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Routine: IBDEI013


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IBDEI013 ; ; 01-AUG-2022
 Q:'DIFQR(358.3)  F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E  S @X=Y
 ;;=3^Visual Loss,Unspec
 ;;=3^Legal Blindness,USA Definition
 ;;=3^Convergence Insufficiency
 ;;=3^Convergence Excess
 ;;=3^Binocular Movement Disorder,Unspec
 ;;=3^Binocular Movement Disorders,Oth Spec
 ;;=3^Saccadic Eye Movements
 ;;=3^Irregular Eye Movements
 ;;=3^Unqualified Visual Loss,Both Eyes
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Blindness Lt Eye Category 3
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Blindness Lt Eye Category 4
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Blindness Lt Eye Category 5
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Blindness Lt Eye Category 3
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Blindness Lt Eye Category 4
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Blindness Lt Eye Category 5
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 3,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 1
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 3,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 2
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 4,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 1
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 4,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 2
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 5,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 1
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 5,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 2
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 3,Normal Vision Lt Eye
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 4,Normal Vision Lt Eye
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 5,Normal Vision Lt Eye
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 3,Blindness Lt Eye Category 3
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 3,Blindness Lt Eye Category 4
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 3,Blindness Lt Eye Category 5
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 4,Blindness Lt Eye Category 3
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 4,Blindness Lt Eye Category 4
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 4,Blindness Lt Eye Category 5
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 5,Blindness Lt Eye Category 3
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 5,Blindness Lt Eye Category 4
 ;;=3^Blindness Rt Eye Category 5,Blindness Lt Eye Category 5
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 1
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 2
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 1
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 2
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Normal Vision Lt Eye
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Normal Vision Lt Eye
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 1
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 2
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 1
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 2
 ;;=3^Exam of Eyes/Vision Following Failed Vision Scrn w/o Abn Findings
 ;;=3^Exam of Eyes/Vision Following Failed Vision Scrn w/ Abn Findings
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 w/ Diab Retinopathy w/ Macular Edema
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 w/ Diab Retinopathy w/o Macular Edema
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 w/ Diab Cataract
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 w/ Diab Ophthalmic Complication
 ;;=3^Macular Degeneration,Unspec
 ;;=3^Pigmentary Retinal Dystrophy
 ;;=3^Sensory Retina Dystrophies
 ;;=3^Corneal Scar & Opacity,Unspec
 ;;=3^Optic Atrophy,Unspec
 ;;=3^Optic Nerve Disorders,Right Eye
 ;;=3^Optic Nerve Disorders,Left Eye
 ;;=3^Optic Nerve Disorders,Bilateral
 ;;=3^Aphakia,Right Eye
 ;;=3^Aphakia,Left Eye
 ;;=3^Cerebrovascular Disease,Unspec,Sequelae
 ;;=3^Optic Nerve Injury,Right Eye,Init Encntr
 ;;=3^Optic Nerve Injury,Left Eye,Init Encntr