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Routine: IBDEI02Q


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IBDEI02Q ; ; 01-AUG-2022
 Q:'DIFQR(358.3)  F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E  S @X=Y
 ;;=2^OCT RNFL (optic nerve)
 ;;=2^Pachymetry (corneal thickness)
 ;;=2^Visual Field (Humphrey)
 ;;=2^Visual Field (Goldmann)
 ;;=2^Glaucoma Screen by Tech
 ;;=2^Serial Tonometry Diurnal Curve
 ;;=2^DMV Field/Visual Field Exam
 ;;=2^OCT Anterior Segment (angle)
 ;;=2^OCT Macul w/ GCA (Retina)
 ;;=2^Evaluation by Ocularist
 ;;=2^Orthoptic/Pleoptic Training
 ;;=2^Sensorimotor Exam w/ Mult Meas Ocular Dev
 ;;=2^Visual Field Exam w/ Interp & Rpt;Limited
 ;;=2^Unlisted Eye Serv/Proc
 ;;=2^Hertel's Exophthalmometry
 ;;=2^U/S B-Scan Only
 ;;=2^U/S B-Scan,Ant Seg,Water Immersion
 ;;=2^Ophthalmic Biometry
 ;;=2^IOL Calc w/ A-Scan U/S
 ;;=2^U/S A-Scan Only
 ;;=2^Color Testing HHR (Hue)/Farnsworth D10
 ;;=2^Ext Ophthalmoscopy w/ Ret Drawing,Unilat/Bilat
 ;;=2^Ext Ophthalmoscopy w/ Optic Nerve/Macula Drawing
 ;;=2^Remote Imaging for DM Retinal Disease
 ;;=2^Remote Imaging for Mgmt of Retinal Dis
 ;;=2^Diabetic Eye Exam,Dilated,Bilateral
 ;;=2^Couns Potent Glauc Impct
 ;;=2^Self-Care Ed Provided to Pt
 ;;=2^Talk Pt/Crgvr Re AREDS
 ;;=2^Phacoemulsification Routine
 ;;=2^Phacoemulsification Complex (Trypan Blue or Ring)
 ;;=2^Anterior Vitrectomy;Partial
 ;;=2^Blepharoplasty,Upper Eyelid
 ;;=2^Direct Brow Lift
 ;;=2^Ptosis Repair,Levator Reset/Advance
 ;;=2^Ptosis Revision
 ;;=2^Lateral Tarsal Strip
 ;;=2^Entropion Repair,Tarsal Wedge
 ;;=2^Ectropion Repair,Extensive
 ;;=2^Pterygium Excision w/ graft
 ;;=2^IOL Calc Biometry
 ;;=2^IOL Calc w/A-Scan
 ;;=2^Pterygium Excision w/o Graft
 ;;=2^Routine Cataract Extrac w/ IOL w/ MIGS Drainage Device
 ;;=2^Complex Cataract Extrac w/ IOL w/ MIGS Drainage Device
 ;;=2^INTRAVITREAL EYE INJ-1 Eye/Unilateral
 ;;=2^Ranibiz/LUCENTIS (use w/ 67028)
 ;;=2^Bevaciz/AVASTIN (use w/ 67028)
 ;;=2^Aflib/EYLEA (use w/ 67028)
 ;;=2^INTRAVITREAL EYE INJ-2 Eyes/Bilateral
 ;;=2^Dexameth Implant/OZURDEX
 ;;=2^ERG (pattern/pERG) w/ report
 ;;=2^ERG (full field/ffERG) w/ report
 ;;=2^ERG (multifocal/mfERG) w/ report
 ;;=2^VEP,Checkerboard/Flash Test,CNS w/ report
 ;;=2^VEP,Screen of Visual Acuity,automated w/ rpt
 ;;=2^VEP,Testing for Glaucoma w/ report
 ;;=3^Visual Loss,Both Eyes,Unqualified
 ;;=3^Visual Loss
 ;;=3^Legal Blindness,as Defined in USA
 ;;=3^Monocular,Blindness in One Eye
 ;;=3^Glare Sensitivity
 ;;=3^Impaired Contrast Sensitivity
 ;;=3^Family Hx Blindness/Visual Loss
 ;;=3^Visual Loss,Unspec
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Blindness Lt Eye Category 3
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Blindness Lt Eye Category 4
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Blindness Lt Eye Category 5
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Blindness Lt Eye Category 3
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Blindness Lt Eye Category 4
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Blindness Lt Eye Category 5
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 2
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 1
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Low Vision Lt Eye Category 2
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 1,Normal Vision Lt Eye
 ;;=3^Low Vision Rt Eye Category 2,Normal Vision Lt Eye
 ;;=3^Low Vision Lt Eye Category 1,Normal Vision Rt Eye