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Routine: IBDEI030


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IBDEI030 ; ; 01-AUG-2022
 Q:'DIFQR(358.3)  F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E  S @X=Y
 ;;=3^Exudative ARMD,Right Eye w/ Active Choroidal Neovascularization
 ;;=3^Exudative ARMD,Right Eye w/ Inactive Choroidal Neovascularization
 ;;=3^Exudative ARMD,Right Eye w/ Inactive Scar
 ;;=3^Exudative ARMD,Left Eye w/ Active Choroidal Neovascularization
 ;;=3^Exudative ARMD,Left Eye w/ Inactive Choroidal Neovascularization
 ;;=3^Exudative ARMD,Left Eye w/ Inactive Scar
 ;;=3^Suicidal Ideations
 ;;=3^Suicide Attempt,Init Encntr
 ;;=3^Suicide Attempt,Subsequent Encntr
 ;;=3^Suicide Attempt,Sequela
 ;;=3^Personal Hx of Suicidal Behavior     
 ;;=3^Personal Hx of Non-Suicidal Self-Harm
 ;;=3^Visual Disturbances
 ;;=3^Ocular Pain,Right Eye
 ;;=3^Ocular Pain,Left Eye
 ;;=3^Ocular Pain,Bilateral
 ;;=3^Eye/Vision Exam w/o Abnormal Findings
 ;;=3^Eye/Vision Exam w/ Abnormal Findings
 ;;=3^Asymptomatic HIV Infection Status
 ;;=3^Eye/Vision Exam After Failed Exam w/ Abnormal Findings 
 ;;=3^Eye/Vision Exam After Failed Exam w/o Abnormal Findings
 ;;=3^Family Hx Blindness/Visual Loss
 ;;=3^Family Hx Other Eye Disorder
 ;;=3^Family Hx of Glaucoma
 ;;=3^Exudative AMD,RIGHT eye,active CNV
 ;;=3^Exudative AMD,LEFT eye,active CNV 
 ;;=3^Retinal CNV or NV,unspec          
 ;;=3^Retinal Ischemia,unspec           
 ;;=3^Retinal Edema,unspec              
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 Mild NPDR w/ CME,RIGHT eye    
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 Mild NPDR w/ CME,LEFT eye     
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 Mod NPDR w/ CME,RIGHT eye     
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 Mod NPDR w/ CME,LEFT eye      
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 Sev NPDR w/ CME,RIGHT eye     
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 Sev NPDR w/ CME,LEFT eye      
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 PDR w/ CME,RIGHT eye          
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 PDR w/ CME,LEFT eye           
 ;;=3^CME s/p Surgery,RIGHT eye         
 ;;=3^CME s/p Surgery,LEFT eye            
 ;;=3^BRVO w/ CME,RIGHT eye               
 ;;=3^BRVO w/ CME,LEFT eye                
 ;;=3^BRVO w/ NV,RIGHT eye                
 ;;=3^BRVO w/ NV,LEFT eye                 
 ;;=3^CRVO w/ NV,RIGHT eye                
 ;;=3^CRVO w/ NV,LEFT eye                 
 ;;=3^CRVO w/ CME,RIGHT eye               
 ;;=3^CRVO w/ CME,LEFT eye                
 ;;=3^NVI/NVA/Rubeosis,RIGHT eye          
 ;;=3^NVI/NVA/Rubeosis,Left eye           
 ;;=3^Central Serous Retinopathy,RIGHT eye
 ;;=3^Central Serous Retinopathy,LEFT eye 
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 w/o Complications
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 w/ Diabetic Ophthalmic Complications
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/o Complications
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/ Diabetic Ophthalmic Complication
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/ Mild NPDR w/o Macula Edema,Right Eye
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/ Mild NPDR w/o Macula Edema,Left Eye
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/ Mod NPDR w/o Macula Edema,Right Eye
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/ Mod NPDR w/o Macula Edema,Left Eye
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/ Severe NPDR w/o Macula Edema,Right Eye
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/ Severe NPDR w/o Macula Edema,Left Eye
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/ PDR w/ Macula Edema,Right Eye
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/ PDR w/ Macula Edema,Left Eye
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/ PDR w/o Macula Edema,Right Eye
 ;;=3^DM Type 1 w/ PDR w/o Macula Edema,Left Eye
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 w/ Mild NPDR w/ Macula Edema,Right Eye
 ;;=3^DM Type 2 w/ Mild NPDR w/ Macula Edema,Left Eye