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Routine: IBDEI05I


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IBDEI05I ; ; 01-AUG-2022
 Q:'DIFQR(358.3)  F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E  S @X=Y
 ;;=3^Postproc Cardiac Functn Disturb After Cardiac Surg
 ;;=3^Postproc Cardiac Functn Disturb After Oth Surg
 ;;=3^Intraop Cardiac Arrensst During Cardiac Surgery
 ;;=3^Intraop Cardiac Arrest During Oth Surgery
 ;;=3^Intraop Cardiac Functn Disturb During Cardiac Surgery
 ;;=3^Intraop Cardiac Functn Disturb During Oth Surgery
 ;;=3^Intraop Complications of Respiratory System NEC
 ;;=3^Postproc Compl/Disorder,Resp Sys NEC
 ;;=3^Intraop Complications of Digestive System
 ;;=3^Postproc Hepatic Failure
 ;;=3^Postproc Hepatorenal Syndrome
 ;;=3^Postproc Compl/Disorders of Digestive System
 ;;=3^Postproc Compl/Disorders of GU System
 ;;=3^Intraop Complications of GU System
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Spleen Complicating Spleen Procedure
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Spleen After Spleen Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Spleen After Oth Proc
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Endo Sys Complicating Endo Sys Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Endo Sys Complicating Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Nervous Sys Complicating Nervous Sys Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Nervous Sys Complication Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Right Eye/Adnexa Complicating Ophth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Left Eye/Adnexa Complicating Ophth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Bilateral Eyes/Adnexa Complicating Ophth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Right Eye/Adnexa Complicating Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Left Eye/Adnexa Complicating Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Bilateral Eyes/Adnexa Complicating Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Ear/Mastoid Complicating Ear/Mastoid Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Ear/Mastoid Complicating Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Circ Sys Complicating Card Catheterization
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Circ Sys Complicating Cardiac Bypass
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Circ Sys Complicating Oth Circ Sys Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Circ Sys Complicating Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Resp Sys Complicating Resp Sys Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Resp Sys Complicating Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Digestive Sys Complicating Digestive Sys Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Digestive Sys Complicating Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Skin Complicating Derm Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of Skin Complicating Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of MS Structure Complication MS Sys Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of MS Structure Complication Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of GU Sys Complicating a GU Sys Procedure
 ;;=3^Intraop Hemor/Hemtom of GU Sys Complication Oth Procedure
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Nerv Sys After Nerv Sys Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Nerv Sys After Oth Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Rt Eye/Adnexa After Ophth Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Lt Eye/Adnexa After Ophth Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Bil Eyes/Adnexa After Ophth Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Rt Eye/Adnexa After Oth Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Lt Eye/Adnexa After Oth Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Ear/Mastoid After Ear/Mastoid Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Ear/Mastoid After Oth Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Circ Sys After Cardiac Cath
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Circ Sys After Cardiac Bypass
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Circ Sys After Oth Circ Sys Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Resp Sys After Resp Sys Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Resp Sys After Oth Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Dig Sys After Dig Sys Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Dig Sys After Oth Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Skin After Derm Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,Skin After Oth Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,MS Struct After MS Sys Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,MS Struct After Oth Proc
 ;;=3^Postproc Hemor/Hematom,GU Sys After GU Sys Proc