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Routine: IBDEI08C


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IBDEI08C ; ; 01-AUG-2022
 Q:'DIFQR(358.3)  F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E  S @X=Y
 ;;=3^Facial Weakness
 ;;=3^Other Sequelae Following Unspec CVA
 ;;=3^Monoplegia,Lower Limb,Left Dominant Side
 ;;=3^Monoplegia,Lower Limb,Left Non-Dominant Side
 ;;=3^Monoplegia,Lower Limb,Right Dominant Side
 ;;=3^Monoplegia,Lower Limb,Right Non-Dominant Side
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Ankle
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Finger(s)
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Foot
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Great Toe
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Hand
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Hip Joint
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Leg Above Knee
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Leg Below Knee
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Shoulder
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Thumb
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Arm Above Elbow
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Arm Below Elbow
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Wrist
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Lt Toe(s)
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Toe(s)
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Ankle
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Finger(s)
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Foot
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Great Toe
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Hand
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Hip Joint
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Leg Above Knee
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Leg Below Knee
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Shoulder
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Thumb
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Arm Above Elbow
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Arm Below Elbow
 ;;=3^Acquired Absence,Rt Wrist
 ;;=3^Impacted Cerumen,Bilateral
 ;;=3^Impacted Cerumen,Lt Ear
 ;;=3^Impacted Cerumen,Rt Ear
 ;;=3^Mix Cndct/Snrl Hearing Loss,Bilateral
 ;;=3^Mix Cndct/Snrl Hearing Loss,Lt Ear
 ;;=3^Mix Cndct/Snrl Hearing Loss,Rt Ear
 ;;=3^Mix Cndct/Snrl Hearing Loss,Unspec
 ;;=3^Sensorineural Hearing Loss,Bilateral
 ;;=3^Sensorineural Hearing Loss,Lt Ear
 ;;=3^Sensorineural Hearing Loss,Rt Ear
 ;;=3^Tinnitus,Lt Ear
 ;;=3^Tinnitus,Rt Ear
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Hyperostosis,Cervical Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Hyperostosis,Lumbar Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Hyperostosis,Lumbosacral Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Hyperostosis,Mult Sites in Spine
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Hyperostosis,Occipito-Atlanto-Axial Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Hyperostosis,Sacral/Sacrococcygeal Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Hyperostosis,Thoracolumbar Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Hyperostosis,Cervicothoracic Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Hyperostosis,Thoracic Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Spondylitis,Cervical Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Spondylitis,Cervicothoracic Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Spondylitis,Lumbosacral Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Spondylitis,Mult Sites in Spine
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Spondylitis,Occipito-Atlanto-Axial Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Spondylitis,Sacral/Sacrococcygeal Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Spondylitis,Thoracic Region
 ;;=3^Ankylosing Spondylitis,Lumbar Region
 ;;=3^Cervical Disc D/O w/ Myelopathy,Cervicothoracic Region
 ;;=3^Cervical Disc D/O w/ Myelopathy,High Cervical Region