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Routine: IBDEI0EP


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IBDEI0EP ; ; 03-MAY-2022
 Q:'DIFQR(358.3)  F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E  S @X=Y
 ;;=3^Hepatitis B,Acute w/o Delta-Agent & w/o Hepatic Coma
 ;;=3^Hepatitis B,Viral w/o Hepatic Coma,Unspec
 ;;=3^Hepatitis B,Chronic Viral w/o Delta-Agent
 ;;=3^Hepatitis C,Acute w/o Hepatic Coma
 ;;=3^Hepatitis C,Chronic Viral
 ;;=3^Hepatitis,Oth Chronic Viral
 ;;=3^Hepatitis,Oth Spec Acute Viral
 ;;=3^Hepatitis,Chronic Viral Unspec
 ;;=3^Candidal Esophagitis
 ;;=3^Benign Neop of Cecum
 ;;=3^Benign Neop of Colon,Unspec
 ;;=3^Benign Neop of Appendix
 ;;=3^Polyp of Colon
 ;;=3^Benign Neop of Transverse Colon
 ;;=3^Benign Neop of Ascending Colon
 ;;=3^Benign Neop of Sigmoid Colon
 ;;=3^Benign Neop of Descending Colon
 ;;=3^Congestive Splenomegaly,Chronic
 ;;=3^Esophageal Varices w/o Bleeding
 ;;=3^Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease w/o Esophagitis
 ;;=3^Gastric Ulcer w/o Hemorrhage/Perforation,Chronic
 ;;=3^Duadenal Ulcer w/o Hemorrhage/Perforation,Unspec
 ;;=3^Peptic Ulcer w/o Hemorrhage/Perforation,Unspec
 ;;=3^Gastritis w/o Bleeding,Unspec
 ;;=3^Gastroduodenitis w/o Bleeding,Unspec
 ;;=3^Diseases of Stomach & Duodenum,Other
 ;;=3^Disease of Stomach & Duodenum,Unspec
 ;;=3^Inguinal Hernia,Unilat w/o Obst or Gangrene
 ;;=3^Inguinal Hernia,Bilat w/o Obst or Gangrene
 ;;=3^Diaphragmatic Hernia w/o Obst or Gangrene
 ;;=3^Abdominal Hernia w/o Obst or Gangrene,Unspec
 ;;=3^Crohn's Disease w/o Complications,Unspec
 ;;=3^Crohn's Disease w/ Rectal Bleeding,Unspec
 ;;=3^Crohn's Disease w/ Intestinal Obstruction,Unspec
 ;;=3^Crohn's Disease w/ Unspec Complications,Unspec
 ;;=3^Crohn's Disease w/ Abscess,Unspec
 ;;=3^Crohn's Disease w/ Fistula,Unspec
 ;;=3^Crohn's Disease w/ Oth Complication,Unspec
 ;;=3^Ulcerative Colitis w/o Complications,Unspec
 ;;=3^Ulcerative Colitis w/ Unspec Complications,Unspec
 ;;=3^Ulcerative Colitis w/ Oth Complication,Unspec
 ;;=3^Ulcerative Colitis w/ Abscess,Unspec
 ;;=3^Ulcerative Colitis w/ Fistula,Unspec
 ;;=3^Ulcerative Colitis w/ Intestinal Obstruction,Unspec
 ;;=3^Ulcerative Colitis w/ Rectal Bleeding,Unspec
 ;;=3^Gastroenteritis & Colitis,Oth Spec Noninfective
 ;;=3^Gastroenteritis & Colitis,Noninfective Unspec
 ;;=3^Diverticulosis of Lg Intestine w/o Perforation/Abscess w/o Bleeding
 ;;=3^Diverticulosis of Sm & Lg Intestine w/o Performation/Abscess w/o Bleeding
 ;;=3^Diverticulosis of Intestine,Unspec w/o Performation/Abscess w/o Bleeding
 ;;=3^Diverticulitis of Lg Intestine w/ Performation/Abscess w/o Bleeding
 ;;=3^Diverticulitis of Intestine,Unspec w/o Perforation/Abscess w/o Bleeding
 ;;=3^Diverticulitis of Intestine,Unspec w/ Perforation/Abscess w/o Bleeding
 ;;=3^Diverticulitis of Sm & Lg Intestine w/o Perforation/Abscess w/o Bleeding
 ;;=3^Diverticulitis of Sm & Lg Intestine w/ Perforation/Abscess w/o Bleeding
 ;;=3^Diverticulitis of Lg Intestine w/o Perforation/Abscess w/o Bleeding
 ;;=3^Irritable Bowel Syndrome w/o Diarrhea
 ;;=3^Irritable Bowel Syndrome w/ Diarrhea
 ;;=3^Crohn's Disease of Small Intestine w/ Abscess