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Routine: IBDEI2CY


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  1. IBDEI2CY ; ; 04-FEB-2020
  1. ;;3.0;IB ENCOUNTER FORM IMP/EXP;;FEB 04, 2020
  1. Q:'DIFQR(358.3) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y
  1. Q Q
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37651,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.501K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37651,2)
  1. ;;=^5045407
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37652,0)
  1. ;;=S92.492K^^146^1917^196
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37652,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37652,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Fx of lft grt toe, subs w/ nonunion, oth
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37652,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.492K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37652,2)
  1. ;;=^5045393
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37653,0)
  1. ;;=S92.491K^^146^1917^213
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37653,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37653,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Fx of rt grt toe, subs w/ nonunion, oth
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37653,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.491K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37653,2)
  1. ;;=^5045386
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37654,0)
  1. ;;=S92.425K^^146^1917^312
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37654,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37654,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Nondisp fx of dist phalanx lft 1st grt toe, subs w/ nonunion
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37654,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.425K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37654,2)
  1. ;;=^5045372
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37655,0)
  1. ;;=S92.424K^^146^1917^317
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37655,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37655,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Nondisp fx of dist phalanx rt 1st grt toe, subs w/ nonunion
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37655,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.424K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37655,2)
  1. ;;=^5045365
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37656,0)
  1. ;;=S92.422K^^146^1917^88
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37656,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37656,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Disp fx of dist phalanx lft grt toe, subs w/ nonunion
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37656,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.422K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37656,2)
  1. ;;=^5045351
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37657,0)
  1. ;;=S92.421K^^146^1917^94
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37657,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37657,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Disp fx of dist phalanx rt grt toe, subs 2/ nonunion
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37657,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.421K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37657,2)
  1. ;;=^5045344
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37658,0)
  1. ;;=S92.415K^^146^1917^343
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37658,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37658,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Nondisp fx of prox phalanx lft grt toe, subs w/ nonunion
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37658,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.415K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37658,2)
  1. ;;=^5045330
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37659,0)
  1. ;;=S92.414K^^146^1917^351
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37659,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37659,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Nondisp fx of prox phalanx rt grt toe, subs w/ nonunion
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37659,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.414K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37659,2)
  1. ;;=^5045323
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37660,0)
  1. ;;=S92.412K^^146^1917^118
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37660,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37660,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Disp fx of prox phalanx lft grt toe, subs w/ nonunion
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37660,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.412K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37660,2)
  1. ;;=^5045309
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37661,0)
  1. ;;=S92.411K^^146^1917^125
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37661,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37661,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Disp fx of prox phalanx rt grt toe, subs w/ nonunion
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37661,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.411K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37661,2)
  1. ;;=^5045302
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37662,0)
  1. ;;=S92.405K^^146^1917^265
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37662,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37662,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Nondisp fx lft grt toe, subs w/ nonunion, unspec
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37662,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S92.405K
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,37662,2)
  1. ;;=^5045295