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Routine: IBDEI2OC


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  1. IBDEI2OC ; ; 04-FEB-2020
  1. ;;3.0;IB ENCOUNTER FORM IMP/EXP;;FEB 04, 2020
  1. Q:'DIFQR(358.3) F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,999) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) X NO E S @X=Y
  1. Q Q
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42637,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S82.265S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42637,2)
  1. ;;=^5041602
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42638,0)
  1. ;;=S82.264S^^155^2072^65
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42638,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42638,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Nondisp fx of segmental shaft of right tibia, sequela
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42638,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S82.264S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42638,2)
  1. ;;=^5041586
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42639,0)
  1. ;;=S82.244S^^155^2072^70
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42639,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42639,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Nondisp fx of spiral shaft of right tibia, sequela
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42639,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S82.244S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42639,2)
  1. ;;=^5041394
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42640,0)
  1. ;;=S82.245S^^155^2072^68
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42640,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42640,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Nondisp fx of spiral shaft of left tibia, sequela
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42640,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S82.245S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42640,2)
  1. ;;=^5041410
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42641,0)
  1. ;;=S82.225S^^155^2072^71
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42641,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42641,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Nondisp fx of transverse shaft of left tibia, sequela
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42641,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S82.225S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42641,2)
  1. ;;=^5041218
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42642,0)
  1. ;;=S82.224S^^155^2072^73
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42642,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42642,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Nondisp fx of transverse shaft of right tibia, sequela
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42642,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S82.224S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42642,2)
  1. ;;=^5041202
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42643,0)
  1. ;;=M84.462S^^155^2072^76
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42643,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42643,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Pathological fracture, left tibia, sequela
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42643,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^M84.462S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42643,2)
  1. ;;=^5013943
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42644,0)
  1. ;;=M84.461S^^155^2072^78
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42644,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42644,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Pathological fracture, right tibia, sequela
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42644,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^M84.461S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42644,2)
  1. ;;=^5013937
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42645,0)
  1. ;;=S89.112S^^155^2072^79
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42645,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42645,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx lower end of l tibia, sequela
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42645,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S89.112S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42645,2)
  1. ;;=^5137294
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42646,0)
  1. ;;=S89.012S^^155^2072^83
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42646,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42646,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx upper end of l tibia, sequela
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42646,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S89.012S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42646,2)
  1. ;;=^5043654
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42647,0)
  1. ;;=S89.011S^^155^2072^84
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42647,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42647,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx upper end of r tibia, sequela
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42647,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S89.011S
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42647,2)
  1. ;;=^5043648
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42648,0)
  1. ;;=S89.111S^^155^2072^80
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42648,1,0)
  1. ;;=^358.31IA^4^2
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42648,1,3,0)
  1. ;;=3^Sltr-haris Type I physeal fx lower end of r tibia, sequela
  1. ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,358.3,42648,1,4,0)
  1. ;;=4^S89.111S