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Routine: IBDF10A

Package: Automated Information Collection System

Routine: IBDF10A


IBDF10A ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - (shifting data fields,lines,text areas,blocks);3/29/93

Source Information

Source file <IBDF10A.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
FLDS(WAY,AMOUNT,TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT) ;shifts all of the data fields in IBBLK falling within the rectangle defined by TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT by AMOUNT
MFLDS(WAY,AMOUNT,TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT) ;shifts the multiple choice fields in IBBLK falling within the rectangle defined by TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT by AMOUNT
HFLDS(WAY,AMOUNT,TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT) ;shifts the hand print fields in IBBLK falling within the rectangle defined by TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT by AMOUNT
LINES(WAY,AMOUNT,TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT) ;shifts all of the lines in IBBLK falling within the range START->END by AMOUNT - if END="" range extends all the way out
TXT(WAY,AMOUNT,TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT) ;shifts all of the text areas in IBBLK falling within the range START->END by AMOUNT - if END="" range extends all the way out
BLOCKS(WAY,AMOUNT,TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT) ;shifts blocks whose top left-hand corner is within the rectangular region defined by TOP,BOTTOM,LEFT,RIGHT
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