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Routine: IBDF18A1

Package: Automated Information Collection System

Routine: IBDF18A1


IBDF18A1 ;ALB/CJM/AAS - ENCOUNTER FORM - utilities for PCE ;12-AUG-94

Source Information

Source file <IBDF18A1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; -- copies the entries from LIST to @ARY, starting subscript at COUNT+1
SUBCOL(LIST,TSUBCOL) ; -- finds the subcolumn containing the text
; -- TSUBCOL passed by reference - used to return the subcolumn
; LIST is the selection list to search
F2(ARY) ; -- filter cpt code array to find only codes beginning with 992 and asssicated headers
; -- Copy filtered array to from ibdtmp( to @ary@(
URH ; -- UnReferenced Headers (removal)
; if a header doesn't have any data under it, then remove the header
MODLIST ; return all CPT Modifiers if defined
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