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Routine: IBDF9A3

Package: Automated Information Collection System

Routine: IBDF9A3


IBDF9A3 ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - (create,edit,delete selection list - continued) ;NOV 5,1994

Source Information

Source file <IBDF9A3.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
GETSC(ARY,LIST) ;makes a list of subcolumns having text
DELSC(LIST,SC) ;delete subcolumn=SC for selections on LIST
ADDSC(LIST,SC) ;ADD subcolumn=SC for selections on LIST if not already there, else set to blank
SCLOOP ; -- Looping thru the subc setting up array(type of data)=subcolumn
SCDEL ; -- Deletes the new subcolumn if there is already a column for that
; type of data.
MSG1 ;

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"The new subcolum "_IBNEWSC_" contains the samedata as the the new subcolumn.",!,"**New subcolumn deleted**"
  • Line Location: ADDSC+9
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"*** SUBCOUMN "_IBSC1_" DELETED ***",!,"This data already exists in subcolumn "_IBSCRAY(X)_". Go in and edit its subcolumn number.",!!
  • Line Location: DIK+1
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"*** PREVENTING LOSS OF DATA - THIS FIELD CAN NOT BE EDITED ***",!,"You will need to add a new subcolumn to update this information",!!
  • Line Location: MSG1+1

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^IBE(357.3 - [#357.3] Classic Fileman Calls
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