IBDFU2B ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - BUILD FORM(copying blocks - continued from IBDFU2) ; 08-JAN-1993
Source file <IBDFU2B.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
GETMA(MA,FROMFILE,TOFILE) | ;copys marking area=ma from file=FROMFILE to file=TOFILE if it does not already exist
GETPI(PI,FROMFILE,TOFILE) | ;copies the package interface=PI from file=FROMFILE to file=TOFILE if it doesn't already exist
CPYQLFRS(FROMFILE,PI,TOFILE,NEWPI) | ;copy allowable qualifiers from the package interface=PI in NEWPI to the package interface=NEWPI in TOFILE
LOOKUP(NAME,RTN,ENTRYPT,TOFILE,TYPE) | ;return 1 if the package interface already exists in TOFILE, 0 otherwise
GETQLFR(QLFR,FROMFILE,TOFILE) | ;copys qualifier=QLFR from file=FROMFILE to file=TOFILE if it does not already exist
GETADE(ADE,FROMFILE,TOFILE) | ;copys AICS Data Element=ADE from file=FROMFILE to file=TOFILE if it does not already exist