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Routine: IBDFU91

Package: Automated Information Collection System

Routine: IBDFU91


IBDFU91 ;ALB/CJM - ENCOUNTER FORM - transforms needed to validate,display and pass data;AUG 18,1995

Source Information

Source file <IBDFU91.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
OUTPUT(PI,Y) ;xecutes the output transform of the package interface on Y
INPUT(PI,X) ;xecutes the input transform of the package interface on X
CHOICE(PI,X) ;executes the selector of the package interface=PI, user input is X
; -- X should be passed by reference.
FDCHOICE(PI,X) ;executes the selector of the package interface=PI,X=the user input, then runs it through the input transform for a value that can be passed to the PCE GDI
; -- X should be passed by reference.
HPTRNS(TYPEDATA,X,IBFORMID) ;used to transform a value read from a hand print field (X) into a value that can be passed to the database
VALIDATE(PI,X) ;used to validate the value stored with a selection(file 357.3)
HELP(PI) ;writes the help message for the package interface

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,?6,$G(^IBE(357.6,PI,10)),!
  • Line Location: HELP+2
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