Source file <IBEFURF.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
FPINPT(DFN,ADMDT,XRF) | ; given a patient and admission date, find any Inpatient Charges
; find the record of the Event (based on Event Date) then find all charges with that Event as the Parent Event |
FPINPT1(DFN,IBFROM,IBTO,XRF) | ; find inpatient charges for a given patient IB*2.0*728
FPOPV(DFN,DT1,DT2,XRF) | ; given a patient and date range, find any Outpatient Charges
; find all records where the Event Date is within the selected date range and the charge is Outpatient |
FPRX(RXIFN,FILLDT,XRF,IBRXFL) | ; given the prescription ifn (52) and the fill date, find any First Party charges
; get specific charge entry for an Rx from the Prescription file (52,106 and 52,52,9) |
FPONE(FPIFN,XRF) | ; for a FP charge entry get the one line item that defines the entire events charge(s)
; get the Parent Charge then use the last charge entry as the current record for the event |
DONE(FPIFN,XRF) | ; return true if item charge (last) is already included
SAVELN1(XRF,DATA) | ; set charges found into array, ^TMP("IBRBF",$J,XRF) = DATA
SAVELN2(FPIFN,DATA,XRF) | ; set charges found into array, ^TMP("IBRBF",$J,XRF,charge ifn) = DATA (from $$LN2)
LN2(FPIFN) | ; return data for a specific First Party Bill:
; BILL FROM ^ BILL TO ^ CANCELLED? (1/0)^ AR BILL NUMBER ^ TOTAL CHARGE ^ ACTION TYPE (SHORT) ^ # DAYS ON HOLD ; for rx's: FROM date is the (re)fill date in 52 and TO is the date entry added (release date) ; also set # Days On Hold only if the bill is currently in On Hold status |
LN2Q | ||
ATAB(AT) | ; given an Action Type (ptr to 350.1), return a shortened/abbreviated form of Action Type (350.1,.01)
ATABQ | ||
CANC(FPIFN) | ; given a First Party Charge (ptr to 350), return 1 if charge is Cancelled, "" otherwise
; is cancelled if the Action Type (350,.03) Sequence Number (350.1,.05) is Cancel ; or is cancelled if the Status (350,.05) is Cancelled (350.21,.05) (never passed to AR) |
CANCQ | ||
RXDT(FPIFN) | ; return fill date of rx being billed, Resulting From must be 52
; fill date for Original = (52,22), for Refill = (52,52,.01) |
RXDTQ | ||
OHDT(FPIFN) | ; return the bills # DAYS ON HOLD, if the bill is currently in the On Hold Status
OHDQ | ||