IBMHPMPY1 ;EDE/WCJ-Multi-site maintain IB MH VISIT TRACKING FILE (#351.83) - (aka PushMi-PullYu); 22-OCT-23
Source file <IBMHPMPY1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
AWAY | ||
UPDATED | ; Get all in File that were UPDATED and not yet pushed out. They may have gotten to some sites but not all sites
; |
; IBINDEX = a single regular fileman index ; IBLOOKUP = internal value for that index |
TFL(DFN,IBS,IBT) | ; returns treating facility list (pass IBT by reference)
; supported references ia #2990, value returned is count ; needed to N Y because VAFCTFU1 will kill it ; DFN - Patient IEN ; IBS - External site ; IBT - By reference for results |
ALERTSO | ; alert someone
; what is needed to actually be informative - maybe PATIENT NAME, FULL ICN (if available), RECEIVING SITE, ERROR MESSAGE ; screen out all but errors (get rid of 0's (info only) and 1's (successes)) |
REMOVE(IBIEN) | ; remove from UPDATED index - only called if sent to ALL other treating facilities successfully.
CLEARERR(IBIEN) | ; remove from UPDATED index - only called if sent to ALL other treating facilities successfully.
CHKERR | ; Check error code and set file 351.83 fields 3.01, 3.02.&3.03 IB*2.0*761
EXTEMAIL | ; IB*2.0*761
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DPT - [#2] | GET1^DIQ |
^IBMH(351.83 - [#351.83] | FIND^DIC, GET1^DIQ |