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Routine: IBPF1

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBPF1



Source Information

Source file <IBPF1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
BILL ; Find all UB-82's which may be archived. Check only those bills
; whose First Printed Date is prior to the last date on which a
; bill must have been closed out in Accounts Receivable.
IB ; Find Pharmacy Co-pay IB Actions which may be archived. Check
; only those Pharmacy Co-pay IB Actions which have been added to the
; database prior to the last date on which a bill must have been
; closed out in Accounts Receivable. Only "parent actions" will
; be checked, and if the parent action may be archived, the parent
; and its "children" will all be marked for archiving.
RXFILE(IBND) ; Is the prescription still resident on-line?
; Input: IBND -- zeroth node of IB Action
; Output: 1 -- the rx is still on file
; 0 -- the rx is no longer on file (archived)
ALL(IBN,DATE) ; Are all bills for an episode of care closed before DATE?
; Input: IBN -- ien of bill in file #399
; DATE -- the date by which the bills must be closed
; Output: 1 -- all bills are closed
; 0 -- at least one bill is not closed
CLO(IBN,DATE) ; Is the bill closed before DATE?
; Input: IBN -- ien of bill in file #399
; DATE -- the date by which the bill must be closed
; Output: 1 -- the bill is closed
; 0 -- the bill is not closed
PSO ; Pharmacy Co-pay Action Types
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