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Routine: IBTRH1A


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  1. IBTRH1A ;ALB/FA - HCSR Worklist ;12-AUG-2014
  1. ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**517**;21-MAR-94;Build 240
  1. ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
  1. ;;
  1. ;
  1. ; Contains Entry points and functions used in filtering/displaying the
  1. ; HCSR Worklist
  1. ;
  1. ; -------------------------- Entry Points --------------------------------
  1. ; FILTERS - Used to set filtering criteria for what entries should be
  1. ; displayed in the worklist
  1. ; PATLOC - Formats the Clinic or Ward name for display on the HCSR
  1. ; Worklist and the HCSR Response Worklist
  1. ; PNAME - Formats the patient name for display on the HCSR Worklist
  1. ; and the HCSR Response Worklist
  1. ; REFRESH - Protocol action that allows the user to check for recent
  1. ; appointments and admissions, re-select filter options and
  1. ; redisplays the HCSR Worklist
  1. ; SORT1 - Used to sort the entries in the worklist per user selected
  1. ; option
  1. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. ;
  1. ; Protocol action to search for new appointments/admission, reset filter
  1. ; and redisplay the HCSR Worklist
  1. ; Input: HCSSORT - Current sort selection
  1. ; Output: IBFILTS() - Array of filter criteria
  1. ; ^TMP("IBTRH1",$J) - Body lines to display
  1. ; ^TMP($J,"IBTRH1S") - Sorted Body lines to display
  1. ; ^TMP($J,"IBTRH1IX") - Index of Event IENs by display line
  1. ;
  1. ; First check to see if we can create more event entries
  1. ;;D EN^IBTRHDE(1) ;JWS 3/21/16 - remove this. don't want to create more entries this way
  1. D VALMSGH^IBTRH1 ; Set flag legend
  1. S VALMBCK="R"
  1. Q:'$$FILTERS(.IBFILTS) ; Reset Filter criteria
  1. S VALMBG=1
  1. D SORT^IBTRH1(2) ; Sort the entries
  1. D INIT^IBTRH1 ; Rebuild the worklist
  1. D HDR^IBTRH1 ; Redisplay the header
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. ; Sets an array of filters to determine which entries in HCSR Transmission
  1. ; file should be displayed to the user
  1. ; Input: None
  1. ; Output: FILTERS(0) - A1^A2 Where:
  1. ; A1 - 0 - 'Output' entries only
  1. ; 1 - 'Input' entries only
  1. ; 2 - Both Output and Input entries
  1. ; A2 - O - CPAC entries only
  1. ; 1 - Champva/Tricare entries only
  1. ; 2 - Both CPAC and Champva/Tricare entries
  1. ; A3 - 0 - No Division filter
  1. ; 1 - Selected Division filter
  1. ; FILTERS(1) - '^' delimited list of included Clinic IENs
  1. ; Null if all clinics are included
  1. ; Only set if FILTERS(0)= 0 OR 2
  1. ; FILTERS(2) - '^' delimited list of included WARD IENs
  1. ; Null if all wards are included
  1. ; Only set if FILTERS(0)= 1 OR 2
  1. ; FILTERS(3) - '^' delimited list of included Division IENs
  1. ; Null if all Divisions are included
  1. ; Returns: 0 if the user entered '^' or timed out, 1 otherwise
  1. ;
  1. ; ChampVA/Tricare filter
  1. S DIR(0)="S",DIR("A")="Show CHAMPVA/TRICARE entries, CPAC entries or Both",DIR("B")="B"
  1. S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'T' to only view entries created for CHAMPVA/TRICARE"
  1. S DIR("?",2)="Enter 'C' to only view entries created for CPAC"
  1. S DIR("?")="Enter 'B' to view entries both CHAMPVA/TRICARE and CPAC entries"
  1. S $P(DIR(0),"^",2)="T:CHAMPVA/TRICARE;C:CPAC;B:Both"
  1. W !! D ^DIR K DIR
  1. I $G(DIRUT) Q 0
  1. ;
  1. ; Inpatient/Outpatient filter
  1. S X=$$UP^XLFSTR(X)
  1. S $P(FILTERS(0),"^",2)=$S(X="C":0,X="T":1,1:2)
  1. S DIR(0)="S",DIR("A")="Show Inpatient entries, Outpatient entries or Both",DIR("B")="B"
  1. S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'I' to only view entries created for inpatients"
  1. S DIR("?",2)="Enter 'O' to only view entries created for outpatients"
  1. S DIR("?")="Enter 'B' to view entries both inpatient and outpatient entries"
  1. S $P(DIR(0),"^",2)="O:Outpatient;I:Inpatient;B:Both"
  1. W ! D ^DIR K DIR
  1. I $G(DIRUT) Q 0
  1. S X=$$UP^XLFSTR(X)
  1. S $P(FILTERS(0),"^",1)=$S(X="O":0,X="I":1,1:2)
  1. ;
  1. ; Division filter
  1. S X=$$UP^XLFSTR(X)
  1. S $P(FILTERS(0),"^",3)=$S(X="A":0,1:1)
  1. S DIR(0)="S",DIR("A")="Select(A)ll or (S)elected Divisions",DIR("B")="All"
  1. S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'A' to not filter by division."
  1. S DIR("?")="Enter 'S' to view entries for selected division(s)."
  1. S $P(DIR(0),"^",2)="A:All;S:Selected"
  1. W ! D ^DIR K DIR
  1. I $G(DIRUT) Q 0
  1. S X=$$UP^XLFSTR(X)
  1. S $P(FILTERS(0),"^",3)=$S(Y="A":0,1:1)
  1. ;
  1. ; Set Division inclusion filter
  1. I $P(FILTERS(0),"^",3)=1 D ASKDIV(.FILTERS)
  1. ;
  1. ; Set Ward inclusion filter
  1. I $P(FILTERS(0),"^",1)>0 D ASKWORC(0,.FILTERS)
  1. ;
  1. ; Set Clinic inclusion filter
  1. I ($P(FILTERS(0),"^",1)=0)!($P(FILTERS(0),"^",1)=2) D ASKWORC(1,.FILTERS)
  1. ;
  1. ; If any Division, Clinic or Ward inclusion filters were set, display the final results
  1. I ($G(FILTERS(1))'="")!($G(FILTERS(2))'="")!($G(FILTERS(3))'="") D
  1. Q 1
  1. ;
  1. ASKDIV(FILTERS) ; Sets a list of Division to be displayed in the HSCR Worklist
  1. ; Input: FILTERS - Current Array of filter settings
  1. ; Output: FILTERS - Updated Array of filter settings
  1. S DIC=40.8,DIC(0)="AE",FIRST=1
  1. F D Q:+IEN<1
  1. . D ONEDIV(.DIC,.IEN,.FIRST) ; One Division prompt
  1. . Q:+IEN<1
  1. . S IBIENS($P(IEN,"^",2))=$P(IEN,"^",1)
  1. . S IBIENS2($P(IEN,"^",1))=$P(IEN,"^",2)
  1. I '$D(IBIENS) S $P(FILTERS(0),"^",3)=0 Q
  1. ;
  1. ; Set the filter node responses in alphabetical order
  1. S XX=""
  1. F D Q:XX=""
  1. . S XX=$O(IBIENS(XX))
  1. . Q:XX=""
  1. . S N=IBIENS(XX)
  1. . S FILTERS(3)=$S($G(FILTERS(3))'="":FILTERS(3)_"^"_N,1:N)
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. ONEDIV(DIC,IEN,FIRST) ; Prompts the user for a division
  1. ; Input: DIC - Variable/Array of settings needed for ^DIC call
  1. ; FIRST - Set to 1 initially and then 0 for subsequent calls
  1. ; Output: FIRST - Set to 0
  1. ; IEN - IEN of the selected Division
  1. ; null of no selection was made
  1. S DIC("A")=$S(FIRST:"Select a Division: ",1:"Select Another Division: ")
  1. D ^DIC
  1. S FIRST=0,IEN=Y
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. ASKWORC(WHICH,FILTERS) ; Sets a list of wards or clinics to be displayed in
  1. ; the HCSR Worklist
  1. ; Input: WHICH - 0 Ward selection, 1 - Clinic Selection
  1. ; FILTERS - Current Array of filter settings
  1. ; Output: FILTERS - Updated Array of filter settings
  1. S DIC=$S(WHICH=0:42,1:44),DIC(0)="AE",FIRST=1
  1. S NODE=$S(WHICH=0:2,1:1)
  1. F N=1:1:$L($G(FILTERS(3)),"^") D
  1. . S XX=$P($G(FILTERS(3)),"^",N)
  1. . Q:XX=""
  1. . S DIVS(XX)=""
  1. ;
  1. I WHICH=0 D
  1. . S N=0,NM="Ward"
  1. . F D Q:+N=0
  1. . . S N=$O(^IBE(350.9,1,64,N))
  1. . . Q:+N=0
  1. . . S IEN=$P(^IBE(350.9,1,64,N,0),"^",1)
  1. . . S WARDS(IEN)=""
  1. . I $D(WARDS)!$D(FILTERS(3)) D
  1. . . S DIC("S")="I $$WCFILT^IBTRH1A(1,Y,.DIVS,"""",.WARDS)"
  1. I WHICH=1 D
  1. . S N=0,NM="Clinic"
  1. . F D Q:+N=0
  1. . . S N=$O(^IBE(350.9,1,63,N))
  1. . . Q:+N=0
  1. . . S IEN=$P(^IBE(350.9,1,63,N,0),"^",1)
  1. . . S CLINS(IEN)=""
  1. . I $D(CLINS)!$D(FILTERS(3)) D
  1. . . S DIC("S")="I $$WCFILT^IBTRH1A(0,Y,.DIVS,.CLINS,"""")"
  1. F D Q:+IEN<1
  1. . D ONEWORC(.DIC,NM,.IEN,.FIRST) ; One Clinic or Ward prompt
  1. . Q:+IEN<1
  1. . S IBIENS($P(IEN,"^",2))=$P(IEN,"^",1)
  1. . S IBIENS2($P(IEN,"^",1))=$P(IEN,"^",2)
  1. ;
  1. ; Set the filter node responses in alphabetical order
  1. S XX=""
  1. F D Q:XX=""
  1. . S XX=$O(IBIENS(XX))
  1. . Q:XX=""
  1. . S N=IBIENS(XX)
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. ONEWORC(DIC,WHICH,IEN,FIRST) ; Prompts the user for a clinic or ward
  1. ; Input: DIC - Variable/Array of settings needed for ^DIC call
  1. ; WHICH - 'Ward' or 'Clinic'
  1. ; FIRST - Set to 1 initially and then 0 for subsequent calls
  1. ; Output: FIRST - Set to 0
  1. ; IEN - IEN of the selected Ward or clinic Entry
  1. ; null of no selection was made
  1. S DIC("A")=$S(FIRST:"Select "_WHICH_": ",1:"Select Another "_WHICH_": ")
  1. D ^DIC
  1. S FIRST=0,IEN=Y
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. WCFILT(WHICH,IEN,DIVS,CLINS,WARDS) ; Used as a dictionary screen when doing
  1. ; Clinic or Ward inclusion filter lookups.
  1. ; Input: WHICH - 0 - Clinic Lookup
  1. ; 1 - Ward lookup
  1. ; IEN - IEN of the Clinic or Ward being looked up
  1. ; DIVS - Array of Included Divisions (if any)
  1. ; CLINS - Array of Site Parameter included Clinics (if any)
  1. ; WARDS - Array of Site Parameter included Wards (if any)
  1. ; Returns: 1 - Clinic or Ward is valid, 0 otherwise
  1. S IDIVS=$S($O(DIVS(""))'="":1,1:0)
  1. S RETURN=1
  1. ;
  1. ; Clinic filter check
  1. . I $D(CLINS),'$D(CLINS(IEN)) S RETURN=0 Q ; Not on Site param inc list
  1. . ;
  1. . ; If we have included divisions make sure clinic is for the division
  1. . I IDIVS D Q
  1. . . S SDIV=$$GET1^DIQ(44,IEN_",",3.5,"I") ; Division of the Clinic
  1. . . Q:SDIV=""
  1. . . S:'$D(DIVS(SDIV)) RETURN=0 ; Division not in list
  1. ;
  1. ; Ward filter check
  1. I $D(WARDS),'$D(WARDS(IEN)) Q 0 ; On Site param exclusion list
  1. ;
  1. ; If we have included divisions make sure ward is for the division
  1. I IDIVS D
  1. . S SDIV=$$GET1^DIQ(42,IEN_",",.015,"I") ; Division of the Ward
  1. . Q:SDIV=""
  1. . S:'$D(DIVS(SDIV)) RETURN=0 ; Division not in list
  1. ;
  1. SORT1 ;EP
  1. ; Builds the sorted list of HCSR entries to be displayed on the HCSR Worklist
  1. ; Input: HCSRSORT - Current sort selection
  1. ; IBFILTS() - Array of filter settings. See FILTERS for a
  1. ; detailed explanation of the FILTERS array
  1. ; Output: ^TMP("IBTRH1S",$J) - Sorted Event Entries to display
  1. ;
  1. K ^TMP($J,"IBTRH1S")
  1. S ECTR=0
  1. ;
  1. ; Loop through all the statuses that are shown on the worklist
  1. F CSTAT=0,1,2,3,4,7,8 D
  1. . S EVDT=""
  1. . F D Q:EVDT=""
  1. . . S EVDT=$O(^IBT(356.22,"AD",CSTAT,EVDT))
  1. . . Q:EVDT=""
  1. . . S EIEN=""
  1. . . F D Q:EIEN=""
  1. . . . S EIEN=$O(^IBT(356.22,"AD",CSTAT,EVDT,EIEN))
  1. . . . Q:EIEN=""
  1. . . . S EVENT=$G(^IBT(356.22,EIEN,0))
  1. . . . Q:$P(EVENT,"^",13)'="" ; Response entry - skip
  1. . . . Q:$$SKIP(EVENT) ; Entry is filtered out
  1. . . . S ECTR=ECTR+1
  1. . . . I '$D(ZTQUEUED),'(ECTR#15) W "."
  1. . . . D ONEEVENT(CSTAT,EIEN,EVENT) ; Add one event to sort array
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. SKIP(EVENT) ; Checks to see if the specified event entry should display on the
  1. ; list
  1. ; Input: EVENT - Event Entry being checked
  1. ; IBFILTS() - Array of filter settings. See FILTERS for a
  1. ; detailed explanation of the FILTERS array
  1. ; Returns: 1 - Don't display the entry on the list, 0 - Display entry on list
  1. I $P(EVENT,"^",19)=1 Q 1 ; Skip if a 215 was triggered
  1. S IORO=$P(EVENT,"^",4) ; 'I' Inpatient, 'O' Outpatient
  1. S NOW=$$DT^XLFDT() ; Today's Internal Fileman date
  1. S DELAY=0
  1. S:+$P(EVENT,"^",8)=8 DELAY=$P(EVENT,"^",17) ; Delay Date (if any)
  1. I IORO="I",$P(IBFILTS(0),"^",1)=0 Q 1 ; Only show outpatients, skip
  1. I IORO="O",$P(IBFILTS(0),"^",1)=1 Q 1 ; Only show inpatients, skip
  1. S TRICARE=$$TRICARE(EVENT) ; Is event for Tricare?
  1. I $P(IBFILTS(0),"^",2)=0,TRICARE Q 1 ; Only show CPAC, Skip
  1. I $P(IBFILTS(0),"^",2)=1,'TRICARE Q 1 ; Only show Champ/Tricare, Skip
  1. S SKIP=0
  1. ;
  1. ; Check Division filter
  1. I $D(IBFILTS(3)) D Q:SKIP 1
  1. . S XX="^"_IBFILTS(3)_"^",Y=1
  1. . S IEN=$P(EVENT,"^",5) ; Ward IEN
  1. . S:IEN="" IEN=$P(EVENT,"^",6),Y=0 ; Clinic IEN
  1. . I Y S ZZ=$$GET1^DIQ(42,IEN_",",.015,"I")
  1. . E S ZZ=$$GET1^DIQ(44,IEN_",",3.5,"I")
  1. . S ZZ="^"_ZZ_"^"
  1. . I XX'[ZZ S SKIP=1 ; Wrong division
  1. ;
  1. ; Check Inpatient entry
  1. I IORO="I" D Q:SKIP 1
  1. . Q:$G(IBFILTS(2))="" ; No Ward filters display
  1. . S IEN=$P(EVENT,"^",5) ; Ward IEN
  1. . S XX="^"_IBFILTS(2)_"^"
  1. . Q:XX[("^"_IEN_"^") ; On inclusion list display
  1. . S SKIP=1 ; Not on inclusion list skip
  1. ;
  1. ; Check Outpatient entry
  1. I IORO="O" D Q:SKIP 1
  1. . Q:$G(IBFILTS(1))="" ; No Clinic filters display
  1. . S IEN=$P(EVENT,"^",6) ; Clinic IEN
  1. . S XX="^"_IBFILTS(1)_"^"
  1. . Q:XX[("^"_IEN_"^") ; On inclusion list display
  1. . S SKIP=1
  1. ;
  1. ; Skip entries that haven't reached their delay date yet
  1. . I DELAY'="D" D Q
  1. . . S:DELAY>NOW SKIP=1 ; Delay date not met, skip
  1. . S:'$$DISCH(EVENT) SKIP=1 ; Not Discharge yet, skip
  1. Q 0 ; Display this entry
  1. ;
  1. ; Checks to see if the entry is for a ChampVA/Tricare insurance
  1. ; Input: EVENT - Node 0 of the Event Entry being checked
  1. ; Returns: 1 if the entry is for ChampVA/Tricare Insurance, 0 otherwise
  1. S DFN=$P(EVENT,U,2) ; Patient IEN
  1. S IMIEN=$P(EVENT,U,3),IENS=IMIEN_","_DFN_"," ; Insurance Multiple IEN
  1. S IIEN=$$GET1^DIQ(2.312,IENS,.01,"I") ; Insurance Company IEN
  1. S GRPLAN=$$GET1^DIQ(2.312,IENS,.18,"I") ;GROUP PLAN 355.3 PTR
  1. S GRPLANTP=$$GET1^DIQ(355.3,GRPLAN_",",.09)
  1. S COVTYPE=$$UP^XLFSTR($$GET1^DIQ(36,IIEN_",",.13,"E")) ; Type of Coverage (36/.13)
  1. S INSNAME=$$UP^XLFSTR($$GET1^DIQ(36,IIEN_",",.01)) ; Insurance Company Name
  1. S TRICARE=0
  1. ;
  1. DISCH(EVENT) ; Checks to see if the admission of the entry has been discharged
  1. ; Input: EVENT - Node 0 of the Event Entry being checked
  1. ; Returns: 1 if the admission has been discharged, 0 otherwise
  1. S DFN=$P(EVENT,"^",2) ; DFN of the patient
  1. S ADATE=$P(EVENT,"^",7) ; Internal Admit date
  1. I ADATE["-" Q 0 ; Admission is already discharged
  1. S IADATE=9999999.9999999-ADATE
  1. S DA=$O(^DGPM("ATID1",DFN,IADATE,"")) ; DBIA419
  1. Q:DA="" -1 ; No Patient Movement admission record
  1. I $$GET1^DIQ(405,DA_",",.17,"I")'="" Q 1 ; Patient has been discharged
  1. Q 0 ; Admission is still active
  1. ;
  1. ONEEVENT(CSTAT,EIEN,EVENT) ; Adds one event to the sorted list
  1. ; Input: HCSRSORT - Current sort selection
  1. ; CSTAT - Status of the event to be added
  1. ; EIEN - Internal IEN of the event being added
  1. ; EVENT - ^IBT(356.22,EIEN,0)
  1. ; Output: ^TMP("IBTRH1S",$J) - Sorted Event entries to display
  1. ;
  1. ; Symbol to display in front of the patient name (if any)
  1. S RFLG=$S(CSTAT=1:"#",CSTAT=2:"?",CSTAT=3:"!",CSTAT=4:"-",CSTAT=7:"+",CSTAT=8:"*",1:" ")
  1. S DFN=$P(EVENT,"^",2),PNAME="" ; Patient IEN
  1. S ESTATUS=$P(EVENT,"^",4) ; Patient Status 'I' or 'O'
  1. S $P(LINE,"^",2)=ESTATUS
  1. S ADATE=$P($P(EVENT,"^",7),"-",1) ; Internal Appt/Adm Date/Tm
  1. S $P(LINE,"^",3)=$$FMTE^XLFDT(ADATE,"2DZ")
  1. S ISTATUS=1
  1. I ESTATUS="O",+HCSRSORT=3 S ISTATUS=0 ; Appointment sort
  1. I ESTATUS="I",+HCSRSORT=4 S ISTATUS=0 ; Admissions sort
  1. S $P(LINE,"^",1)=$$PNAME(DFN,RFLG,.PNAME) ; Set 'PAT NAME' column
  1. S $P(LINE,"^",4)=$$PATLOC(EVENT) ; Ward or Clinic
  1. S IMIEN=$P(EVENT,"^",3),IENS=IMIEN_","_DFN_"," ; Insurance Multiple IEN
  1. S IIEN=$$GET1^DIQ(2.312,IENS,.01,"I") ; Insurance Company IEN
  1. S IGROUP=$$GET1^DIQ(2.312,IENS,.18,"I") ; Insurance Group IEN
  1. S:+IIEN INAME=$$GET1^DIQ(36,IIEN_",",.01) ; Insurance Company Name
  1. S ICOB=$$GET1^DIQ(2.312,IENS,.2,"I") ; Level of COB External Display
  1. S:ICOB="" ICOB=1
  1. S $P(LINE,"^",5)=$S(ICOB=1:"P",ICOB=2:"S",1:"T") ; Level of COB External Display
  1. S $P(LINE,"^",6)=$E(INAME,1,14)
  1. ;
  1. I +HCSRSORT=1 S HS1=ADATE,HS2=PNAME,HS3=ICOB ; Oldest event first
  1. I +HCSRSORT=2 S HS1=ADATE*-1,HS2=PNAME,HS3=ICOB ; Newest event first
  1. I +HCSRSORT=3 S HS1=ISTATUS,HS2=PNAME,HS3=ICOB ; Appointments first
  1. I +HCSRSORT=4 S HS1=ISTATUS,HS2=PNAME,HS3=ICOB ; Admissions sort
  1. I +HCSRSORT=5 D ; Insurance name sort
  1. S XX=$P($G(^IBA(355.3,+IGROUP,0)),"^",6) ; Pre-Certification Req
  1. S PCREQ=$S(XX=1:"Y",XX=0:"N",1:"")
  1. S XX=$P($G(^IBA(355.3,+IGROUP,0)),"^",5) ; Utilization Review Req
  1. S URREQ=$S(XX=1:"Y",XX=0:"N",1:"")
  1. S $P(LINE,"^",7)=URREQ
  1. S $P(LINE,"^",8)=PCREQ
  1. S $P(LINE,"^",9)=$$GETSCR(DFN) ; Service Connected Reasons
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. ; Format the patient name column for display in the worklist
  1. ; Input: DFN - Internal IEN of the patient
  1. ; RFLG - Symbol to display in front of the name (if any)
  1. ; Output: PNAME - $P(^DPT(DFN,0),"^",1)
  1. ; Returns: Formatted patient name
  1. N PNM,SSN4
  1. Q:+DFN=0 ""
  1. S PNAME=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.01) ; Patient Name
  1. S:$L(PNM)<18 PNM=PNM_$J("",18-$L(PNM))
  1. S SSN4=$E($$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.09),6,9) ; Last 4 of SSN
  1. Q PNM_" "_SSN4
  1. ;
  1. ; Returns the Clinic or Ward associated with the event
  1. ; Input: EVENT - ^IBT(356.22,EIEN,0)
  1. ; Returns: Formatted Clinic or location name
  1. N ELOC
  1. S ELOC=$P(EVENT,"^",5)
  1. I ELOC'="" D ; Ward Name
  1. . S ELOC=$$GET1^DIQ(42,ELOC_",",.01)
  1. E D ; Clinic Name
  1. . S ELOC=$P(EVENT,"^",6)
  1. . S:ELOC'="" ELOC=$$GET1^DIQ(44,ELOC_",",.01)
  1. Q $E(ELOC,1,10)
  1. ;
  1. GETSCR(DFN) ; Retrieves all of the services connected reasons to be displayed
  1. ; Input: DFN - Internal IEN of the patient of the event
  1. ; Returns: SCR - String of Service Connected reasons to be displayed
  1. S SCR=""
  1. ; DBIA #10061
  1. .I VASV(2) S SCR="A" ; Agent Orange Exposure
  1. .I VASV(3) S SCR=SCR_"I" ; Ionizing Radiation
  1. .I VASV(1) S SCR=SCR_"S" ; Southwest Asia
  1. .I VASV(5) S SCR=SCR_"C" ; Combat Veteran
  1. .I $G(VASV(15)) S SCR=SCR_"L" ; Camp Lejeune
  1. .Q
  1. S XX=$$GETCUR^DGNTAPI(DFN,"DGNTARR") ; Nose/Throat Radium, DBIA3457
  1. S XX=$S(XX>0:DGNTARR("INTRP"),1:"")
  1. I +XX S SCR=SCR_"N"
  1. S XX=$P($$GETSTAT^DGMSTAPI(DFN),"^",2) ; Military Sexual Trauma, DBIA2716
  1. I XX="Y" S SCR=SCR_"M"
  1. Q SCR