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Routine: IBTRH5A


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  1. IBTRH5A ;ALB/FA - HCSR Create 278 Request ;12-AUG-2014
  1. ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**517**;21-MAR-94;Build 240
  1. ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
  1. ;;
  1. ; Contains Entry points and functions used in creating a 278 request from a
  1. ; selected entry in the HCSR Response worklist
  1. ;
  1. ; -------------------------- Entry Points --------------------------------
  1. ; CERTCAT - Function called from within Input Template: IB CREATE 278 REQUEST
  1. ; to allow the user to enter Certification information for a
  1. ; selected Certification Code Category.
  1. ; CERTCOND - Dictionary Screen function for Certification Conditions.
  1. ; Prevents duplicate Certification Conditions from being entered.
  1. ; CERTCNDP - Function to check for subsequent Certification Conditions
  1. ; values for the specified field
  1. ; DXCODE - Dictionary Screen function for Diagnosis Code field 356.22,3.02
  1. ; RCAUSEP - Function to check for subsequent Related Causes values for
  1. ; the specified field
  1. ; RCAUSE - Dictionary Screen function for Related Causes fields.
  1. ; (356.22,2.8,356.22,2.9,356.22,2.1)
  1. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. ;
  1. ; Dictionary Screen function called from the following fields: 2.08,2.09,2.1
  1. ; Prevents the same Related Cause from being entered in more than one field.
  1. ; Input: FIELD - Field # of the field being checked
  1. ; DA - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; Y - Internal Value of the user response
  1. ; Returns: 1 - Data input by the user is valid, 0 otherwise
  1. S RETURN=1 ; Assume Valid Input
  1. Q:Y="" 1 ; No value entered
  1. S NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,DA,2))
  1. ;
  1. ; Make sure there are no duplicates
  1. I FIELD=2.08 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",9)=Y S RETURN=0 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",10)=Y S RETURN=0 Q
  1. I FIELD=2.09 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",8)=Y S RETURN=0 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",10)=Y S RETURN=0 Q
  1. . I Y'="AP",Y'="EM" S RETURN=0 Q
  1. . I Y'="AP" S RETURN=0 Q
  1. ;
  1. ; Called from Input Template IB CREATE 278 REQUEST for fields: 2.08, 2.09
  1. ; Checks to see if subsequent Related Causes entries have values.
  1. ; Input: FIELD - Field # of the field being checked
  1. ; Set to 'ALL' to see if any of the 3 have a value
  1. ; DA - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; Returns: 1 - Subsequent entries have values, 0 otherwise
  1. S NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,DA,2))
  1. S RETURN=0
  1. ;
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",8)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",9)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",10)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. I FIELD=2.08 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",9)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",10)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. I FIELD=2.09 D Q RETURN
  1. . I ($P(NDE,"^",8)="AP")!($P(NDE,"^",9)="AP") S RETURN=0 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",10)="AP" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",9)="",$P(NDE,"^",10)="" S RETURN=0 Q
  1. . S RETURN=1
  1. ;
  1. DXCODE() ;EP
  1. ; Dictionary Screen function called from field: 3.02
  1. ; Prevents a duplicate ICD-9/ICD-10 or DRG Diagnosis from being entered
  1. ; Input: DA - IEN of Diagnosis multiple being entered/edited 95.3
  1. ; DA(1) - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; DIC - Contains the global ref of dictionary being checked
  1. ; Y - Internal Value of the user response
  1. ; Returns: 1 - Data input by the user is valid, 0 otherwise
  1. Q:Y="" 1
  1. S DXTYPE=$P($G(^IBT(356.22,DA(1),3,DA,0)),"^",1)
  1. Q:DXTYPE="" 1
  1. ;
  1. ; Diagnosis Code must be from file 80.2 for a Diagnosis Type of
  1. ; Diagnosis Related Group (DRG)
  1. I DXTYPE=9,$P(DIC,"^",2)'="ICD(" Q 0
  1. ;
  1. ; Check for LOI - Logical Observation Identifier Codes
  1. I DXTYPE=10,$P(DIC,"^",2)'="LAB(95.3," Q 0
  1. ;
  1. ; Diagnosis Code must be from file 80 for all other Diagnosis Types
  1. I DXTYPE'=9,$P(DIC,"^",2)'="ICD9(" Q 0
  1. ;
  1. S CTYPE=$$GET1^DIQ(80,Y_",",1.1) ; Coding System
  1. I CTYPE'="",DXTYPE'<1,DXTYPE'>4,CTYPE'["ICD-10-" Q 0 ; Not an ICD-10 Code
  1. I CTYPE'="",DXTYPE'<5,DXTYPE'>8,CTYPE'["ICD-9-" Q 0 ; Not an ICD-9 Code
  1. ;
  1. S IX=0,DXCDS=""
  1. F D Q:+IX=0
  1. . S IX=$O(^IBT(356.22,DA(1),3,IX))
  1. . Q:+IX=0
  1. . Q:IX=DA ; Skip Diagnosis being edited
  1. . S DXCD=$P(^IBT(356.22,DA(1),3,IX,0),"^",2)
  1. ;
  1. ; Diagnosis already exists in a different multiple
  1. S XX=$S(DXTYPE=10:Y_";LAB(95.3,",DXTYPE=9:Y_";ICD(",1:Y_";ICD9(")
  1. I ("^"_DXCDS_"^")[("^"_XX_"^") Q 0
  1. Q 1
  1. ;
  1. ; Called from Input Template: IB CREATE 278 REQUEST
  1. ; Used to ask the user if they want to add/edit information for a specified
  1. ; Certification Code Category. Prompts for a category and then returns the
  1. ; 'Branch To' Label for the specified category to be added edited
  1. ; Input: IBPSTAT - 'I' - Entry is for an In-Patient
  1. ; 'O' - Entry is for an Out-Patient
  1. ; Output: IHUPOUT - Defined and set to 1 if user entered '^'
  1. ; Returns: 'Branch To' Label in the input template
  1. ; 0 if User pressed ^ to exit the template
  1. ; NOTE: if 0 is returned, IBUPOUT=1 is also returned
  1. S SEL="07:Ambulance Certification;08:Chiropractic Certification"
  1. S SEL=SEL_";09:Durable Medical Equipment Certification;11:Oxygen Therapy Certification"
  1. S SEL=SEL_";75:Functional Limitations;76:Activities Permitted"
  1. S SEL=SEL_";77:Mental Status"
  1. S XX="Select a Certification Condition Code Category for which you want to "
  1. S XX=XX_"additional certification information."
  1. S DIR("?")=XX
  1. S DIR(0)="SAO^"_SEL
  1. S DIR("A")="Additional Certification Information: "
  1. D ^DIR K DIR
  1. I $D(DUOUT) S IBUPOUT=1 Q 0 ; User pressed ^
  1. I $D(DTOUT) Q "@1300" ; User timed out
  1. Q:Y="" "@1300"
  1. Q:+Y=7 "@370"
  1. Q:+Y=8 "@600"
  1. Q:+Y=9 "@700"
  1. Q:+Y=11 "@800"
  1. Q:+Y=75 "@900"
  1. Q:+Y=76 "@1000"
  1. Q:+Y=77 "@1100"
  1. ;
  1. ; Dictionary Screen function called from the following Certification Condition
  1. ; fields in file 356.22: 4.1,4.11,4.12,4.13,4.14 (Ambulance Cert Conditions)
  1. ; 5.02,5.03,5.04,5.05,5.06 (Chiropractic Cert Conds)
  1. ; 5.08,5.09,5.1,5.11,5.12 (DME Cert Conditions)
  1. ; 5.14,5.15,5.16,5.17,5.18 (Oxygen Cert Conditions)
  1. ; 6.02,6.03,6.04,6.05,6.06 (Functional Limit Cert Cond)
  1. ; 6.08,6.09,6.1,6.11,6.12 (Activities Cert Conditions)
  1. ; 6.14,6.15,6.16,6.17,6.18 (Mental Health Cert Conds)
  1. ; Prevents the same Certification Condition from being answered in the
  1. ; specified Certification Condition Category (e.g. Ambulance, Chiropractic,
  1. ; etc.). Also restricts user selection to a specified list by Certification
  1. ; Condition Category. Finally, also prevents the user from deleting any EXCEPT
  1. ; the last entered Certification Condition in any category.
  1. ; Input: FIELD - Field # of the field being checked
  1. ; DA - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; Y - Internal Value of the user response
  1. ; Returns: 1 - Data input by the user is valid, 0 otherwise
  1. Q:Y="" 1 ; No value entered
  1. ;
  1. ; Otherwise, make sure there are no duplicate entries in a specified Condition
  1. ; Category and that only specified entries in 356.008 are selected for a
  1. ; specified Condition Category
  1. I FIELD>6.07,FIELD<6.13 Q $$CONDA(DA,FIELD,Y)
  1. Q 1
  1. ;
  1. ; Called from Input Template IB CREATE 278 REQUEST for Certification Condition
  1. ; fields. Checks to see if subsequent Certification Condition entries have
  1. ; values.
  1. ; Input: IBTRIEN - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; FIELD - Field number of the field the being checked
  1. ; Returns: 1 - Subsequent entries have values, 0 otherwise
  1. S RETURN=0
  1. ;
  1. ; Ambulance Cert Conditions
  1. S NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,IBTRIEN,4))
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",11)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",12)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",13)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",14)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=4.11 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",12)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",13)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",14)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. I FIELD=4.12 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",13)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",14)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=4.13,($P(NDE,"^",14)'="") Q 1
  1. ;
  1. ; Chiropractic Cert Conditions
  1. S NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,IBTRIEN,5))
  1. I FIELD=5.02 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",3)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",4)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",5)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",6)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=5.03 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",4)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",5)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",6)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=5.04 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",5)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",6)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. I FIELD=5.05,($P(NDE,"^",6)'="") Q 1
  1. ;
  1. ; DME Cert Conditions
  1. I FIELD=5.08 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",9)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",10)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",11)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",12)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=5.09 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",10)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",11)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",12)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",11)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",12)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=5.11,($P(NDE,"^",12)'="") Q 1
  1. ;
  1. ; Oxygen Cert Conditions
  1. I FIELD=5.14 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",15)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",16)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",17)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",18)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=5.15 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",16)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",17)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",18)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=5.16 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",17)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",18)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=5.17,($P(NDE,"^",18)'="") Q 1
  1. ;
  1. ; Functional Limits Cert Conditions
  1. S NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,IBTRIEN,6))
  1. I FIELD=6.02 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",3)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",4)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",5)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",6)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=6.03 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",4)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",5)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",6)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=6.04 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",5)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",6)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=6.05,($P(NDE,"^",6)'="") Q 1
  1. ;
  1. ; Activities Cert Conditions
  1. I FIELD=6.08 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",9)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",10)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",11)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",12)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=6.09 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",10)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",11)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",12)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",11)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",12)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=6.11,($P(NDE,"^",12)'="") Q 1
  1. ;
  1. ; Mental Status Cert Conditions
  1. I FIELD=6.14 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",15)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",16)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",17)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",18)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=6.15 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",16)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",17)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",18)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=6.16 D Q RETURN
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",17)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",18)'="" S RETURN=1 Q
  1. . S RETURN=0
  1. I FIELD=6.17,($P(NDE,"^",18)'="") Q 1
  1. Q 0
  1. ;
  1. CONDAMB(IBTRIEN,FIELD,VALUE) ; Makes sure the user entry for a Certification
  1. ; Condition is valid for Ambulance Certification Conditions and it's not a
  1. ; duplicate
  1. ; Input: IBTRIEN - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; FIELD - Field number of the field value being checked
  1. ; VALUE - Internal value being validated
  1. ; Returns: 1 if the field value is valid, 0 otherwise
  1. S CCONDS="",NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,IBTRIEN,4))
  1. ;
  1. ; First, set an array of valid entries of valid Ambulance Conditions
  1. F XX=1:1:9,40,42,48,49,52 S CCONDS(XX)=""
  1. ;
  1. ; Value is not valid for Ambulance Certification Conditions
  1. I '$D(CCONDS(VALUE)) Q 0
  1. ;
  1. ; Next, check for duplicate values
  1. S PCES="10^11^12^13^14"
  1. S PCE=$S(FIELD=4.1:10,FIELD=4.11:11,FIELD=4.12:12,FIELD=4.13:13,1:14)
  1. ;
  1. CONDCHR(IBTRIEN,FIELD,VALUE) ; Makes sure the user entry for a Certification
  1. ; Condition is valid for Chiropractic Certification Conditions and it's not a
  1. ; duplicate
  1. ; Input: IBTRIEN - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; FIELD - Field number of the field value being checked
  1. ; VALUE - Internal value being validated
  1. ; Returns: 1 if the field value is valid, 0 otherwise
  1. S CCONDS="",NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,IBTRIEN,5))
  1. ;
  1. ; First, set an array of valid entries of valid Chiropractic Conditions
  1. F XX=11,12,14,24,25,27,30 S CCONDS(XX)=""
  1. ;
  1. ; Value is not valid for Chiropractic Certification Conditions
  1. I '$D(CCONDS(VALUE)) Q 0
  1. ;
  1. ; Next, check for duplicate values
  1. S PCES="2^3^4^5^6"
  1. S PCE=$S(FIELD=5.02:2,FIELD=5.03:3,FIELD=5.04:4,FIELD=5.05:5,1:6)
  1. ;
  1. CONDDME(IBTRIEN,FIELD,VALUE) ; Makes sure the user entry for a Certification
  1. ; Condition is valid for DME Certification Conditions and it's not a
  1. ; duplicate
  1. ; Input: IBTRIEN - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; FIELD - Field number of the field value being checked
  1. ; VALUE - Internal value being validated
  1. ; Returns: 1 if the field value is valid, 0 otherwise
  1. S CCONDS="",NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,IBTRIEN,5))
  1. ;
  1. ; First, set an array of valid entries of valid DME Conditions
  1. F XX=1:1:27,29:1:33,35,36,37,39:1:47,49,52,55,56,57,79,80,88 D
  1. . S CCONDS(XX)=""
  1. ;
  1. ; Value is not valid for DME Certification Conditions
  1. I '$D(CCONDS(VALUE)) Q 0
  1. ;
  1. ; Next, check for duplicate values
  1. S PCES="8^9^10^11^12"
  1. S PCE=$S(FIELD=5.08:8,FIELD=5.09:9,FIELD=5.1:10,FIELD=5.11:11,1:12)
  1. ;
  1. CONDOXY(IBTRIEN,FIELD,VALUE) ; Makes sure the user entry for a Certification
  1. ; Condition is valid for Oxygen Certification Conditions and it's not a
  1. ; duplicate
  1. ; Input: IBTRIEN - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; FIELD - Field number of the field value being checked
  1. ; VALUE - Internal value being validated
  1. ; Returns: 1 if the field value is valid, 0 otherwise
  1. S CCONDS="",NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,IBTRIEN,5))
  1. ;
  1. ; First, set an array of valid entries of valid Oxygen Conditions
  1. F XX=6,16,17,25,33,36,38,48,56,57,73 S CCONDS(XX)=""
  1. ;
  1. ; Value is not valid for Oxygen Certification Conditions
  1. I '$D(CCONDS(VALUE)) Q 0
  1. ;
  1. ; Next, check for duplicate values
  1. S PCES="14^15^16^17^18"
  1. S PCE=$S(FIELD=5.14:14,FIELD=5.15:15,FIELD=5.16:16,FIELD=5.17:17,1:18)
  1. ;
  1. CONDFL(IBTRIEN,FIELD,VALUE) ; Makes sure the user entry for a Certification
  1. ; Condition is valid for Functional Limitations Certification Conditions and
  1. ; it's not a duplicate
  1. ; Input: IBTRIEN - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; FIELD - Field number of the field value being checked
  1. ; VALUE - Internal value being validated
  1. ; Returns: 1 if the field value is valid, 0 otherwise
  1. S CCONDS="",NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,IBTRIEN,6))
  1. ;
  1. ; First, set an array of valid entries of valid Functional Limitations
  1. ; Conditions
  1. F XX=2:1:6,11,12,14:1:28,30,31,32,35,36,38:1:45,48 D
  1. . S CCONDS(XX)=""
  1. F XX=50,51,53,54,55,58,60,61,62,64,65,66,68,69,73,74,75,78,80,81,84,86:1:89,93,94 D
  1. . S CCONDS(XX)=""
  1. ;
  1. ; Value is not valid for Functional Limitations Certification Conditions
  1. I '$D(CCONDS(VALUE)) Q 0
  1. ;
  1. ; Next, check for duplicate values
  1. S PCES="2^3^4^5^6"
  1. S PCE=$S(FIELD=6.02:2,FIELD=6.03:3,FIELD=6.04:4,FIELD=6.05:5,1:6)
  1. ;
  1. CONDA(IBTRIEN,FIELD,VALUE) ; Makes sure the user entry for a Certification
  1. ; Condition is valid for Activities Certification Conditions and
  1. ; it's not a duplicate
  1. ; Input: IBTRIEN - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; FIELD - Field number of the field value being checked
  1. ; VALUE - Internal value being validated
  1. ; Returns: 1 if the field value is valid, 0 otherwise
  1. S CCONDS="",NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,IBTRIEN,6))
  1. ;
  1. ; First, set an array of valid entries of valid Activities Conditions
  1. F XX=10,13,19,21,22,27,31,39,63,65,66,70,74,75,79,83,86,87,90,92,93,94 D
  1. . S CCONDS(XX)=""
  1. ;
  1. ; Value is not valid for Activities Certification Conditions
  1. I '$D(CCONDS(VALUE)) Q 0
  1. ;
  1. ; Next, check for duplicate values
  1. S PCES="8^9^10^11^12"
  1. S PCE=$S(FIELD=6.08:8,FIELD=6.09:9,FIELD=6.1:10,FIELD=6.11:11,1:12)
  1. ;
  1. CONDMS(IBTRIEN,FIELD,VALUE) ; Makes sure the user entry for a Certification
  1. ; Condition is valid for Mental Status Certification Conditions and
  1. ; it's not a duplicate
  1. ; Input: IBTRIEN - IEN of the 356.22 entry being edited
  1. ; FIELD - Field number of the field value being checked
  1. ; VALUE - Internal value being validated
  1. ; Returns: 1 if the field value is valid, 0 otherwise
  1. S CCONDS="",NDE=$G(^IBT(356.22,IBTRIEN,6))
  1. ;
  1. ; First, set an array of valid entries of valid Mental Status Conditions
  1. F XX=1,5,7,13,20,22,23,26,33,34,48,50,51,53,54,56,57,59,62,64,66,67,71,72,76,77,81,82,85,91 D
  1. . S CCONDS(XX)=""
  1. ;
  1. ; Value is not valid for Functional Limitations Certification Conditions
  1. I '$D(CCONDS(VALUE)) Q 0
  1. ;
  1. ; Next, check for duplicate values
  1. S PCES="14^15^16^17^18"
  1. S PCE=$S(FIELD=6.14:14,FIELD=6.15:15,FIELD=6.16:16,FIELD=6.17:17,1:18)
  1. ;
  1. ; Generic duplicate field checker. Checks for a duplicate value in a list of
  1. ; fields to prevent the same value from being entered in more than field in
  1. ; the list
  1. ; Input: FPCE - Piece # of the field being checked
  1. ; VALUE - Internal Value of the user response
  1. ; NDE - HCSR Transmission file node that contains the fields
  1. ; PCES - '^' delimited list of storage locations for above fields
  1. ; Returns: 1 - No duplicates found, 0 otherwise
  1. S RETURN=1 ; Assume Valid Input
  1. Q:VALUE="" 1 ; No value entered
  1. ;
  1. ; Make sure there are no duplicates
  1. F IX=1:1:$L(PCES,"^") D Q:RETURN=0
  1. . S PCE=$P(PCES,"^",IX)
  1. . Q:PCE=FPCE
  1. . I $P(NDE,"^",PCE)=VALUE S RETURN=0 Q
  1. ;