IBTRH5K ;ALB/JWS - HCSR Create 278 Request ;11-DEC-2014
Source file <IBTRH5K.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
REQMISS | ; Additional required field checking for 278 transaction
; Input: CTC - Certification Type Code IEN ; IENS - IEN_"," of the entry being checked ; IBTRIEN - IEN of the entry being checked ; MISSING() - Current array of missing fields ; Output: MISSING() - Updated array of missing fields |
MISSING(SUB,DESC) | ; Function to generate MISSING array
; Input: SUB - subscript of MISSING array ; DESC - description of error condition ; Returns: MISSING array |
CLRENTRY(IBTRIEN) | ; clear an entry in file 356.22
; clears all fields except for .01 - .11, .16, and 4.01 - 4.02 at the top level ; IBTRIEN - file 356.22 ien |
CLRASK() | ; prompt user for clearing the entry in file 356.22
; returns 1 if entry should be cleared, 0 otherwise |