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Routine: IBTRHDE1

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBTRHDE1


IBTRHDE1 ;ALB/JWS - HCSR Auto Trigger of 278x215 Inquiry ;15-OCT-2014

Source Information

Source file <IBTRHDE1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
TRIG278 ; Perform 278x215 Inquiry Trigger for Appointments and Admissions
; loop through ^IBT(356.22,"AC") index, from today minus (-) HCSR100[1] and [2]
; check for only previous requests and/or inquiries that have received a 'pending' response
; added field .19 to 356.22 file to indicate that a 215 had been generated for the request/inquiry in order to
; prevent duplicates
; once entry found, perform copy of request data into new 356.22 entry (use version of IBTRH5C)
; need to suppress output of any error results during copy
; perform D EN^IBTRHLO(ien#, 1) to transmit 278x215
1 ;begin SEARCH and copy and transmit 215 version of 278 authorization message
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