Source file <IBTRPR01.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Package | Total | Caller Graph |
Integrated Billing | 2 | IBTOPW IBTRPR |
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
1 | ||
2 | ||
TEMP | ; -- build temp array
DIV(IBTRN) | ; -- comput division of a tracking entry
; -- input ien to 356 ; -- output name (.01) of entry in 40.8 or unknown |
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^DG(40.8 - [#40.8] | DIVQ |
^DGPM - [#405] | DIV+7 |
^DGS(41.1 - [#41.1] | DIV+14, DIV+15 |
^DIC(42 - [#42] | DIV+7, DIV+8, DIV+15 |
^DPT - [#2] | 1+13, 2+14, TEMP+2, TEMP+4, DIV+8 |
^IBE(356.11 - [#356.11] | 1+5, 2+5, TEMP+2 |
^IBT(356 - [#356] | 1+10, 1+11, 1+18, 1+21, 1+22, 2+10, 2+11, 2+18, 2+21, 2+22 , DIV+4, DIV+5, DIV+6, DIV+7, DIV+8, DIV+10, DIV+11, DIV+13, DIV+14, DIV+15 |
^IBT(356.1 - [#356.1] | 1+1, 1+5, 1+9, 1+14, 1+17 |
^IBT(356.2 - [#356.2] | 2+1, 2+5, 2+9, 2+13, 2+15 |
^TMP("IBSRT" | TEMP+4* |
^TMP("IBSRT1" | TEMP+5* |
^VA(200 - [#200] | 1+18, 2+18 |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
DFN | 1+11*, 1+13, 2+11*, 2+14, TEMP+2, TEMP+4, TEMP+5, DIV+3~, DIV+5*, DIV+8 |
DUZ | 1+21, 1+22, 2+21, 2+22 |
>> ENTRY | 1*, 1+2*, 2*, 2+2*, TEMP+4 |
>> FILE | 1*, 2*, TEMP+4 |
>> IBASSIGN | 1+18*, 1+22, 1+23*, 2+18*, 2+22, 2+23*, TEMP+2, TEMP+4 |
>> IBDATE | 1+8*, 2+8*, TEMP+2, TEMP+4 |
IBDV | 1*, 1+12*, 2*, 2+12*, TEMP+4, DIV+3~*, DIV+7*, DIV+8*, DIV+11*, DIV+14* , DIV+15*, DIVQ*, DIVQ+1*, DIVQ+2 |
>> IBI | 1+1*, 1+8, 2+1*, 2+8 |
>> IBJ | 1+1*, 1+2, 2+1*, 2+2 |
>> IBNEXT | 1+15*, 2+16*, TEMP+4 |
>> IBQUIT | 1+3, 1+4*, 1+6*, 1+7*, 1+19, 1+20*, 1+21*, 1+22*, 1+26*, 2+3 , 2+4*, 2+6*, 2+7*, 2+19, 2+20*, 2+21*, 2+22*, 2+26* |
>> IBREV | 1+17*, 2+13*, TEMP+2, TEMP+4 |
>> IBSORT | TEMP+2 |
>> IBSTATUS | 1+14*, 1+15, 1+16*, 2+15*, 2+16, 2+17*, TEMP+4 |
>> IBTOPW | 1+12, 2+12 |
>> IBTPBDT | 1+1, 2+1 |
>> IBTPEDT | 1+1, 2+1 |
>> IBTPRT | 1+3, 1+6, 1+7, 2+3, 2+6, 2+7 |
>> IBTRC | 2+2*, 2+5, 2+9, 2+13, 2+15 |
IBTRN | 1+9*, 1+10, 1+11, 1+12, 1+18, 1+21, 1+22, 2+9*, 2+10, 2+11 , 2+12, 2+18, 2+21, 2+22, TEMP+4, DIV~, DIV+4, DIV+5, DIV+6, DIV+7 , DIV+8, DIV+10, DIV+11, DIV+13, DIV+14, DIV+15 |
>> IBTRV | 1+2*, 1+5, 1+9, 1+14, 1+17 |
>> IBTWHO | 1+19, 1+21, 1+22, 2+19, 2+21, 2+22 |
>> IBTX | 1+5*, 1+6, 1+7, 2+5*, 2+6, 2+7 |
>> IBWARD | 1+13*, 2+14*, TEMP+2, TEMP+4 |
>> TYPE | 1*, 2*, TEMP+4, TEMP+5 |
>> X | 1*, 2* |