Source file <IBTUBO1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
OPT(IBOE,IBQUERY) | ; - Has the outpatient encounter been billed?
; Input: IBOE=pointer to outpatient encounter in file #409.68 ; (NOTE: this value may be null) ; IBQUERY (Passed by reference)=flag that is incremented when ; the Scheduling query API is invoked ; *Pre-set variables: DFN=patient IEN, IBDT=event date, IBRT=bill rate, ; IBEDT=End of reporting period date. ; IBX=ien of CLAIMS TRACKING entry file 356 |
OPTQ | ||
PRERC | ; - Determine if a pre-9/1/99 visit has been billed.
; Output: IBQUIT will be set to 1 if the visit has been billed. ; *Pre-set variables DFN,IBDAY,IBDET,IBNAME,IBNCF,IBQUIT,IBRT,IBEDT ; and IB/IBUNB arrays required. ; NO MRA Extract code needed for pre-RC processes |
PRCQ | ||
NOOE | ; - If there is no encounter, look for add/edits or registrations.
; Output: IBQUIT will be set to 1 if the visit is non-billable. ; *Pre-set variable IBQUIT required. |
NOOEQ | ||
SETUB | ; Set array elements for the detail report.
; Array element format: ; NON-MRA: ; ^TMP($J,"IBTUB",DIVISION,"OPT",NAME@@DFN,DATE,IBX)=bill status^claim type ; ^TMP($J,"IBTUB",DIVISION,"OPT",NAME@@DFN,DATE,IBX,CPT no)=inst rate^prof rate ; MRA: ; ^TMP($J,"IBTUB",DIVISION,"OPT_MRA",NAME@@DFN,DATE,IBX,CPT no)=1 if MRA req |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DGCR(399 - [#399] | GET1^DIQ |