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Routine: IBY348PR


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IBY348PR ;ALB/ESG - Pre-Installation for IB patch 348 ;16-Aug-2006
 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**348**;21-MAR-94;Build 5
 D FILE353     ; changes to file 353
 D MOVE        ; archive existing 1500 data elements
 D DELTRIG     ; delete some DD triggers (will be re-added)
 D DELOF       ; delete all data elements included in build
FILE353 ; Make the needed changes to the BILL FORM TYPE file (#353)
 ;  -Create an entry for #12 to archive the old hcfa-1500 and edit
 ;  -Repoint any local forms that used to point to #2 to #12 instead
 ;  -Edit some data in the new #2 for cms-1500
 D BMES^XPDUTL("Updating information in the BILL FORM TYPE file (#353)")
 ; If #12 is already there, then just quit
 I $D(^IBE(353,12)),$P($G(^IBE(353,12,0)),U,1)="LEGACY HCFA-1500" D BMES^XPDUTL("   Entry# 12 is already defined") G F353X
 K ^IBE(353,12)
 M ^IBE(353,12)=^IBE(353,2)             ; create entry# 12
 S DIK="^IBE(353,",DA=12 D IX1^DIK      ; reindex #12
 S DIE=353,DA=12                        ; edit #12
 S DR=".01///LEGACY HCFA-1500;2.04///@;2.06///*LEGACY NATIONAL HCFA-1500;2.05///@;2.08///@;2.09///@;.02///@;.03///@;1.01///@"
 D BMES^XPDUTL("   Entry# 12 has been created and edited")
 ; repoint any local forms to the new 12 instead of the old 2
 ; count total number of forms too
 F  S FORM=$O(^IBE(353,FORM)) Q:'FORM  D
 . N B S B=$G(^IBE(353,FORM,2))
 . I $P(B,U,4) Q    ; quit if national form type
 . I $P(B,U,5)=2 S DIE=353,DA=FORM,DR="2.05////12" D ^DIE   ; parent form
 . I $P(B,U,8)=2 S DIE=353,DA=FORM,DR="2.08////12" D ^DIE   ; print form name
 . Q
 D BMES^XPDUTL("   Local forms/overrides for the old 1500 have been removed and repointed")
 S $P(^IBE(353,0),U,4)=FORMCNT     ; re-set 0 node
 ; edit the data for entry# 2 so it becomes the new cms-1500
 S DIE=353,DA=2
 S DR=".01///CMS-1500;2.04////1;2.06///NATIONAL CMS-1500;2.05///@;2.08////2;2.09///@"   ; note screen 9 is being deleted also
 D BMES^XPDUTL("   Entry# 2 has become the new 1500")
F353X ;
MOVE ; move existing output formatter entries for form type 2 to form type 12
 D BMES^XPDUTL("Archiving output formatter entries for the old 1500 form")
 I $O(^IBA(364.6,"B",2,0))=1400 D BMES^XPDUTL("   Already archived") G MOVEX
 I '$D(^IBE(353,12)) D BMES^XPDUTL("   Error - entry# 12 not defined...call EVS") G MOVEX
 S IEN=0
 F  S IEN=$O(^IBA(364.6,"B",2,IEN)) Q:'IEN  D
 . I IEN'<1400 Q    ; do not move the new data elements
 . S DIE=364.6,DA=IEN,DR=".01////12"
 . D ^DIE
 . Q
 D BMES^XPDUTL("   Completed")
DELTRIG ; remove some triggers from ^DD(FILE,FIELD,1)
 ; these will be re-added when the build is installed
 D BMES^XPDUTL("Removing DD triggers....")
 D DELIX^DDMOD(36,.01,2)
 D DELIX^DDMOD(399,.01,7)
 D DELIX^DDMOD(399,.19,1)
 D BMES^XPDUTL("   Completed")
DELOF ; Delete included output formatter entries
 F FILE=5,6,7 S DIK="^IBA(364."_FILE_"," F LN=2:1 S TAG="ENT"_FILE_"+"_LN,DATA=$P($T(@TAG),";;",2) Q:DATA=""  D
 . F PCE=2:1 S DA=$P(DATA,U,PCE) Q:'DA  I $D(^IBA("364."_FILE,DA,0)) D ^DIK
 . Q
INCLUDE(FILE,Y) ; function to determine if output formatter entry should be
 ; included in the build
 ; FILE=5,6,7 indicating file 364.x
 ; Y=ien to file
 S OK=0
 F LN=2:1 S TAG="ENT"_FILE_"+"_LN,DATA=$P($T(@TAG),";;",2) Q:DATA=""  I $F(DATA,U_Y_U) S OK=1 Q
 ; 364.5 entries modified:  
 ;     159 Fix to N-AUTO ACCIDENT STATE
 ;     188 New data element for box 24I - rend prov ID qual
 ;     189 New data element for box 24J - rend prov ID and NPI
 ;     229 n-hcfa emergency ind column 24C (Moved from 24I to 24C)
 ;     302 (SUB-7) New data element to re-enable SUB-7
ENT5 ; output formatter entries in file 364.5 to be included
 ; 364.6 IENS:  783 (SUB-7) turn field on
 ;              975 (PRF-22) Box 24K data - no longer being used
 ;              1002 (UB1-19) field name
 ;              1006 (PRF-30) Svc line comment - length and qualifier
 ;              1400-1520 (range for new form)
ENT6 ; output formatter entries in file 364.6 to be included
 ; 364.7 IENS:   53 (OPR-6)  remove reference to field 214
 ;               95 (CL1-31) Accident State (fix bug)
 ;              889 (PRF-19) removed data element pointing to #229
 ;              892 (SUB-7)  turn field on
 ;              916 (OPR-7)  remove reference to field 214
 ;              919 (OPR-8)  remove reference to field 214
 ;              949 (SUB-10) help text
 ;              953 (PRF-22) Box 24K data - no longer being used
 ;             1007 (PRF-30) Svc line comment - length and qualifier
 ;             1023 (OP7-2)  help text
 ;        1100-1220 (range for new form)
ENT7 ; output formatter entries in file 364.7 to be included