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Routine: IBY349PR


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  1. IBY349PR ;ALB/ESG - Pre-Installation for IB patch 349 ;3-Nov-2006
  1. ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**349**;21-MAR-94;Build 46
  1. ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
  1. ;
  1. D FILE353 ; changes to file 353 for the UB-04
  1. D MOVE ; archive existing UB-92 data elements
  1. D DELTRIG ; delete some DD triggers (will be re-added)
  1. D DELOF ; delete all data elements included in build
  1. ;
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. FILE353 ; Make the needed changes to the BILL FORM TYPE file (#353)
  1. ; -Create an entry for #13 to archive the old UB-92 and edit
  1. ; -Repoint any local forms that used to point to #3 to #13 instead
  1. ; -Edit some data in the new #3 for UB-04
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL("Updating information in the BILL FORM TYPE file (#353)")
  1. ;
  1. ; If #13 is already there, then just quit
  1. I $D(^IBE(353,13)),$P($G(^IBE(353,13,0)),U,1)="LEGACY UB-92" D BMES^XPDUTL(" Entry# 13 is already defined") G F353X
  1. ;
  1. K ^IBE(353,13)
  1. M ^IBE(353,13)=^IBE(353,3) ; create entry# 13
  1. S DIK="^IBE(353,",DA=13 D IX1^DIK ; reindex #13
  1. S DIE=353,DA=13 ; edit #13
  1. S DR=".01///LEGACY UB-92;2.04///@;2.06///*LEGACY NATIONAL UB-92;2.05///@;2.08///@;2.09///@;.02///@;.03///@;1.01///@"
  1. D ^DIE
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL(" Entry# 13 has been created and edited")
  1. ;
  1. ; repoint any local forms to the new 13 instead of the old 3
  1. ; count total number of forms too
  1. F S FORM=$O(^IBE(353,FORM)) Q:'FORM D
  1. . N B S B=$G(^IBE(353,FORM,2))
  1. . I $P(B,U,4) Q ; quit if national form type
  1. . I $P(B,U,5)=3 S DIE=353,DA=FORM,DR="2.05////13" D ^DIE ; parent form
  1. . I $P(B,U,8)=3 S DIE=353,DA=FORM,DR="2.08////13" D ^DIE ; print form name
  1. . Q
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL(" Local forms/overrides for the old UB-92 have been removed and repointed")
  1. ;
  1. S $P(^IBE(353,0),U,4)=FORMCNT ; re-set 0 node
  1. ;
  1. ; edit the data for entry# 3 so it becomes the new UB-04
  1. S DIE=353,DA=3
  1. S DR=".01///UB-04;2.04////1;2.06///NATIONAL UB-04;2.05///@;2.08////3;2.09///@" ; note screen 9 is being deleted also
  1. D ^DIE
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL(" Entry# 3 has become the new UB-04")
  1. ;
  1. F353X ;
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. MOVE ; move existing output formatter entries for form type 3 to form type 13
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL("Archiving output formatter entries for the old UB-92 form")
  1. I $O(^IBA(364.6,"B",3,0))=1550 D BMES^XPDUTL(" Already archived") G MOVEX
  1. ;
  1. I '$D(^IBE(353,13)) D BMES^XPDUTL(" Error - entry# 13 not defined...call EVS") G MOVEX
  1. ;
  1. S IEN=0
  1. F S IEN=$O(^IBA(364.6,"B",3,IEN)) Q:'IEN D
  1. . I IEN'<1550 Q ; do not move the new data elements
  1. . S DIE=364.6,DA=IEN,DR=".01////13"
  1. . D ^DIE
  1. . Q
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL(" Completed")
  1. MOVEX ;
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. DELTRIG ; remove some triggers from ^DD(FILE,FIELD,1)
  1. ; these will be re-added when the build is installed
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL("Removing DD triggers....")
  1. D DELIX^DDMOD(399,.04,1)
  1. D DELIX^DDMOD(399,.05,2)
  1. D DELIX^DDMOD(399,.06,1)
  1. D DELIX^DDMOD(399,.26,1)
  1. D DELIX^DDMOD(399,.02,2)
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL(" Completed")
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. DELOF ; Delete included output formatter entries
  1. F FILE=5,6,7 S DIK="^IBA(364."_FILE_"," F LN=2:1 S TAG="ENT"_FILE_"+"_LN,DATA=$P($T(@TAG),";;",2) Q:DATA="" D
  1. . F PCE=2:1 S DA=$P(DATA,U,PCE) Q:'DA I $D(^IBA("364."_FILE,DA,0)) D ^DIK
  1. . Q
  1. ;
  1. ; Also delete output formatter entries which are not going to be
  1. ; re-added later. These are non-functioning entries in file 364.6.
  1. S DIK="^IBA(364.6,",TAG="DEL6+2",DATA=$P($T(@TAG),";;",2)
  1. I DATA'="" D
  1. . F PCE=2:1 S DA=$P(DATA,U,PCE) Q:'DA I $D(^IBA(364.6,DA,0)) D ^DIK
  1. . Q
  1. ;
  1. ; Also delete output formatter entries which are not going to be
  1. ; re-added later. These are non-functioning entries in file 364.7.
  1. S DIK="^IBA(364.7,",TAG="DEL7+2",DATA=$P($T(@TAG),";;",2)
  1. I DATA'="" D
  1. . F PCE=2:1 S DA=$P(DATA,U,PCE) Q:'DA I $D(^IBA(364.7,DA,0)) D ^DIK
  1. . Q
  1. ;
  1. DELOFX ;
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. INCLUDE(FILE,Y) ; function to determine if output formatter entry should be
  1. ; included in the build
  1. ; FILE=5,6,7 indicating file 364.x
  1. ; Y=ien to file
  1. ;
  1. S OK=0
  1. F LN=2:1 S TAG="ENT"_FILE_"+"_LN,DATA=$P($T(@TAG),";;",2) Q:DATA="" I $F(DATA,U_Y_U) S OK=1 Q
  1. Q OK
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. ; 364.5 entries modified:
  1. ; 8 - N-UB-04 SERVICE LINE (EDI)
  1. ; 14 - N-UB92 FORM LOCATOR 57
  1. ; 15 - N-UB92 FORM LOCATOR 31
  1. ; 16 - N-UB-04 PROCEDURES
  1. ; 53 - N-UB92 FORM LOCATOR 78
  1. ; 55 - N-CURR INS FORM LOC 64
  1. ; 56 - N-OTH INS FORM LOC 64
  1. ; 142 - N-PRINT BILL SUBMIT STATUS - description edit
  1. ; 186 - N-UB92 FORM LOCATOR 11
  1. ; 191 - N-UB-04 FORM LOCATOR 64
  1. ; 193 - N-UB-04 SERVICE LINE (PRINT)
  1. ; 221 - N-UB-04 TIMEFRAME OF BILL
  1. ; 222 - N-UB-04 LOCATION OF CARE
  1. ; 246 - N-UB-04 FORM LOCATOR 64B
  1. ; 247 - N-UB-04 FORM LOCATOR 64C
  1. ; 253 - N-DIAGNOSIS E-CODE
  1. ;
  1. ENT5 ; output formatter entries in file 364.5 to be included
  1. ;
  1. ;;^8^14^15^16^53^55^56^85^142^186^187^191^193^221^222^223^246^247^253^
  1. ;;
  1. ;
  1. ; 364.6 entries modified:
  1. ; 111 OI1-10
  1. ;
  1. ENT6 ; output formatter entries in file 364.6 to be included
  1. ;
  1. ;;^111^
  1. ;;^1550^1551^1552^1553^1554^1555^1556^1557^1558^1559^1560^1561^1562^1563^1564^1565^1566^1567^1568^1569^1570^1571^
  1. ;;^1572^1573^1574^1575^1576^1577^1578^1579^1580^1581^1582^1583^1584^1585^1586^1587^1588^1589^1590^1591^1592^1593^
  1. ;;^1594^1595^1596^1597^1598^1599^1600^1601^1602^1603^1604^1605^1606^1607^1608^1609^1610^1611^1612^1613^1614^1615^
  1. ;;^1616^1617^1618^1619^1620^1621^1622^1623^1624^1625^1626^1627^1628^1629^1630^1631^1632^1633^1634^1635^1636^1637^
  1. ;;^1638^1639^1640^1641^1642^1643^1644^1645^1646^1647^1648^1649^1650^1651^1652^1653^1654^1655^1656^1657^1658^1659^
  1. ;;^1660^1661^1662^1663^1664^1665^1666^1667^1668^1669^1670^1671^1672^1673^1674^1675^1676^1677^1678^1679^1680^1681^
  1. ;;^1682^1683^1684^1685^1686^1687^1688^1689^1690^1691^1692^1693^1694^1695^1696^1697^1698^1699^1700^1701^1702^1703^
  1. ;;^1704^1705^1706^1707^1708^1709^1710^1711^1712^1713^1714^1715^1716^1717^1718^1719^1720^1721^1722^1723^
  1. ;;^1727^1728^1729^1730^1731^1732^1733^1734^1735^1736^1737^1738^1739^1740^1741^1742^1743^1744^1745^1746^1747^
  1. ;;^1748^1749^1750^1751^1752^1753^1754^1755^1756^1757^1758^1759^
  1. ;;
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. ; 364.7 entries modified:
  1. ; 130 OI1-10
  1. ; 787 (old UB-92) - multiple page check (just in case)
  1. ;
  1. ENT7 ; output formatter entries in file 364.7 to be included
  1. ;
  1. ;;^130^787^
  1. ;;^1250^1251^1252^1253^1254^1255^1256^1257^1258^1259^1260^1261^1262^1263^1264^1265^1266^1267^1268^1269^1270^1271^
  1. ;;^1272^1273^1274^1275^1276^1277^1278^1279^1280^1281^1282^1283^1284^1285^1286^1287^1288^1289^1290^1291^1292^1293^
  1. ;;^1294^1295^1296^1297^1298^1299^1300^1301^1302^1303^1304^1305^1306^1307^1308^1309^1310^1311^1312^1313^1314^1315^
  1. ;;^1316^1317^1318^1319^1320^1321^1322^1323^1324^1325^1326^1327^1328^1329^1330^1331^1332^1333^1334^1335^1336^1337^
  1. ;;^1338^1339^1340^1341^1342^1343^1344^1345^1346^1347^1348^1349^1350^1351^1352^1353^1354^1355^1356^1357^1358^1359^
  1. ;;^1360^1361^1362^1363^1364^1365^1366^1367^1368^1369^1370^1371^1372^1373^1374^1375^1376^1377^1378^1379^1380^1381^
  1. ;;^1382^1383^1384^1385^1386^1387^1388^1389^1390^1391^1392^1393^1394^1395^1396^1397^1398^1399^1400^1401^1402^1403^
  1. ;;^1404^1405^1406^1407^1408^1409^1410^1411^1412^1413^1414^1415^1416^1417^1418^1419^1420^1421^1422^1423^
  1. ;;^1427^1428^1429^1430^1431^1432^1433^1434^1435^1436^1437^1438^1439^1440^1441^1442^1443^1444^1445^1446^1447^
  1. ;;^1448^1449^1450^1451^1452^1453^1454^1455^1456^1457^1458^1459^
  1. ;;
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. DEL6 ; remove output formatter entries in file 364.6 (not re-added)
  1. ;
  1. ;;^77^78^79^80^925^926^927^928^929^930^931^932^933^934^
  1. ;;
  1. ;
  1. DEL7 ; remove output formatter entries in file 364.7 (not re-added)
  1. ;
  1. ;;^32^33^34^35^904^905^906^907^908^909^910^911^912^913^
  1. ;;
  1. ;
  1. Q
  1. ;