IBY400PO ;ALB/ESG - Post Install for IB patch 400 ;27-Aug-2008
Source file <IBY400PO.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ;
EX | ;
PPS | ; Fire new FileMan trigger to set the new PPS field on all applicable claims
PPSX | ;
BP | ; Populate the list of billing provider facility types
BPX | ;
ERR(TYPE,IEN) | ; log an error in MSG array
ERRX | ;
BFLD | ; remove obsolete fields in files 399 and 350.9 dealing with printing of data in boxes 32/33 on a CMS-1500 claim
XREFCL | ; Build a new-style x-ref in file 399 for the default taxonomy codes
XREFRX | ; Build a new-style x-ref in file 362.4 for the default taxonomy codes
BPTAX | ; manually set the new field# 252 - billing provider taxonomy code field
; set for non-cancelled claims in cases of retransmission of existing claims - go back 1 year |
RIT | ; Recompile input templates for billing screens
; Billing screen 4 is included here because of field# 158 which was modified. ; There were no changes to this input template, but it has to be recompiled at the target facility ; in order for the changes to become effective. |
RITX | ;
VC | ; Add value codes to file 399.1
VCX | ;
TMOPT | ; Schedule the TaskMan option to run once a month
TMDISP(T) | ; display task information
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DIE - [#.402] | FIND1^DIC |
^DIC(4.1 - [#4.1] | FIND1^DIC |