IBY574PR ;ALB/GEF - Pre-Installation for IB patch 574 ; 10/7/16 5:38pm
Source file <IBY574PR.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
INCLUDE(FILE,Y) | ; function to determine if O.F. entry should be included in the build
; FILE=5,6,7 indicating file 364.x ; Y=ien to file |
DELOF | ; Delete included OF entries
ENT5 | ; OF entries in file 364.5 to be included
ENT6 | ; O.F. entries in file 364.6 to be included
ENT7 | ; O.F. entries in file 364.7 to be included
DEL5 | ; remove O.F. entries in file 364.5 (not re-added)
DEL6 | ; remove O.F. entries in file 364.6 (not re-added)
DEL7 | ; remove O.F. entries in file 364.7 (not re-added)