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Routine: IBY579PO

Package: Integrated Billing

Routine: IBY579PO


IBY579PO ;ALB/FA - IB*2.0*579 POST-INSTALL ;27-OCT-2016

Source Information

Source file <IBY579PO.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ;Entry point
HCOV(IBXPD,XPDIDTOT) ; Update Covered by Health Insurance field for deceased patients
; Input: XBXPD - Post Installation Step
; XPDIDTOT - Total # of Post Installation steps
; Called from Task Manager
CHGCOV(DFN,HCOV) ; Update the Covered By Health Insurance field
; Input: DFN - IEN of the patient being updated
; HCOV - Current value of Covered By Health Insurance field
; ^TMP($J,"ERRLIST") - Current array of update errors
; Output: ^TMP($J,"ERRLIST") - Updated array of update errors
COVERR ; Called when an error occurs changing the Covered By Health Insurance field
; deceased patients. Note: This usually occurs because of a known FileMan error and a
; collision of a post-filing routine updating file 2.312 with a nightly KPAS
; extract doing inquiries into the 2.312 file at the same time.
DONE ; Displays the 'Done' message and finishes the progress bar
; Input: IBXPD - Post-Installation step being performed

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DPT - [#2] GET1^DIQ
2.312 GET1^DIQ
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