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Routine: ICDUPDT


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  1. ICDUPDT ; DLS/DEK/KER - ICD Update Protocol for ICD Codes ; 02/22/2007
  1. ;;18.0;DRG Grouper;**6,11,28**;Oct 20, 2000;Build 3
  1. ;
  1. ; Quit Update if NOT ICD Diagnosis/Procedure Related
  1. ;
  1. ; XQORQUIT Signals the Unwinder to not process
  1. ; any protocols that are subordinate to
  1. ; the current protocol. Control is passed
  1. ; to the next sibling protocol.
  1. ;
  1. S:'$D(LEXSCHG("B",80))&('$D(LEXSCHG("B",80.1))) XQORQUIT=1
  1. Q