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Routine: IVM20P19

Package: Income Verification Match

Routine: IVM20P19


IVM20P19 ;ALB/KCL - Post-Install Extract ; 1-SEP-1998

Source Information

Source file <IVM20P19.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
POST ; Entry point for post-install, setup check points
EN ; Description: This entry point will be the driver for the extract.
EXTRACT(BEGDT,ENDDT,IVMARRAY) ; Description: Used to perform the extract and log patients in the IVM PATIENT file for transmission if selected.
SELECT(DFN) ; Description: This function will determine if the patient meets the following extract selection criteria:
SCZERO(DFN) ; Description: Used to determine if a patient has a SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE equal to zero.
OTHELIG(DFN) ; Description: Used to determine if a patient has OTHER ENTITLED ELIGIBILITIES.
BULL(IVMARRAY) ; Description: This function will generate a MailMan message contianing the extract results.
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