IVM2174F ;ALB/JAM - IVM*2.0*174 - FIX BLANK SSN IN PERSON INCOME FILE ;9/26/2018 3:21pm
Source file <IVM2174F.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EP | ; Entry Point
IVMFSSN(DFN,IVMJOB) | ; Process only ZDP segments to store SSNs into 408.13 file if IEN is in ^XTMP("DG53970P")
; Called by: ^IVMCM if DFN is defined in ^XTMP("DG53970P") when processing ORU-Z10 message |
FILESSN(DFN,IVMJOB,IVMSEG) | ; Check segment and store SSN in 408.13 if criteria met
; Input: DFN - DFN from PID segment ; IVMJOB - job number in ^XTMP("DG53970P",JOB) ; IVMSEG - the ZDPS or ZDPC segment |
VALSSN(X,ERROR) | ; Validate the SSN format
; Input: X - SSN to validate ; ERROR - pass by reference, returns error text if validation fails ; Output: 1 if valid, 0 if invalid |
GETIP(IVMPRI,IVMRELO,IVMDOB13,IVMSEX13) | ; Return 408.13 Sex,DOB,Relationship via 408.12 record
; Input: IVMPRI - IEN of 408.12 entry ; IVMRELO - Relationship from 408.12 piece 2 (pass by ref) ; IVMDOB13 - Date of Birth from 408.13 piece 3 (pass by ref) ; IVMSEX13 - Sex from 408.13 piece 2 (pass by ref) |
CHKSSN(IEN) | ; Check to see if SSN IN 408.13 is corrupted and clean up if it is
; Input: IEN - 408.13 ien |
XREF(IEN) | ; clean "SSN", "BS" and "BS5" xrefs for this INCOME PERSON file (#408.13) record