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Routine: IVM2174P

Package: Income Verification Match

Routine: IVM2174P


IVM2174P ;ALB/JAM - IVM*2.0*174 POST-INSTALL TO FIX DEPENDENT SSN IN (#408.13) FILE ;9/26/2018 3:21pm

Source Information

Source file <IVM2174P.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EP ; Entry Point
; Extend the expiration date of the ^XTMP("DG53970P") global to +120 days
TASK ;Build and send MailMan message with list of patient records needing SSN updates
GETDATA ; loop over DFNs in ^XTMP("DG53970P",JOB,"DFN") - store all data in ^TMP global
MSG ; All data is collected in ^TMP("IVM2174P") - put together email message
LN() ;Increment line counter
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