Source file <IVMLINS3.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
TRANSFER(IVMAUTO) | ; user has chosen to transfer insurance information,
; received from HEC, to the MCCR insurance buffer. this routine ; will call $$ADDSTF^IBCNBES(3,DFN,IVMIBDAT) to place HEC's insurance ; information in the MCCR insurance buffer where authorized insurance ; personnel will either upload or reject the data. ; 3 indicates that source of information is IVM ; IVMIBDAT = data, to be filed in the MCCR buffer, in an array ; subscripted by field number of the data field in ; the INSURANCE BUFFER file (#355.33) ; INPUT: IVMAUTO = 1 if auto-filing directly from upload ; 0 if using list manager interface to file ; THE FOLLOWING ARE ASSUMED TO BE DEFINED: ; IVMIN1 (ST/ST1 segment string nodes of file 301.5) ; IVMADD (5th "^" piece of IVMIN1 for ins co address data) |
REMOVE | ; - remove entry from the List Manager display after transferring
IVMQ | ||
AUTO | ; Auto-upload all Z04 entries pending in file 301.501
; Called by the patch IVM*2*111 post-install |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |