LA7ADL ;DALOI/JMC - Automatic Download of Test Orders ;11/23/10 12:04
Source file <LA7ADL.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN(LA7UID) | ; Set flag to check accession for downloading, start background job if needed.
DQ | ; Entry point from Taskman.
UID | ; Start loop to monitor for accessions to download.
BLDTST | ; Build array of tests on accession to check for downloading
CHKTEST | ; Check tests to determine if they should build in message.
; Array LA7ACC returned with tests to send in message |
CHKMASK | ; Check pattern mask for tests that match download pattern mask
ADD | ; Add to list of tests to download
CLEANUP | ; Delete flag after accession has been checked.
; NOTE: Lock previously set above. |
CHKTSK | ; Check if we shoud task the auto download processing routine.
; Check if we recently tasked the processing routine for this process by compaing values in the XTMP global. ; Done to avoid repetitive locking attempts on each new accessione since the FileMan locking API uses a site-defined timeout which is usually 3 seconds ; but can be more. Slows down the interface if on each accession we are waiting 3 or more seconds for the lock to find out if the processing routine ; is already running. |
ZTSK | ; Task background job to run.
BUILD | ; Build TMP global with list of tests for instruments flagged for auto download.
XTMP | ; Set/update XTMP with current run time of this processing routine
EXIT | ; Exit and cleanup.