LA7SM1 ;DALOI/JMC - Shipping Manifest Options ;04/13/10 15:00
Source file <LA7SM1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
RETRANS | ; Retransmit a shipping manifest.
SHIP | ; Ship a manifest
; Used to flag shipping manifest for shipping ; If electronically connected -> transmit shipping manifest in HL7 message. |
SCBLD(LA7SCFG) | ; Build test profile for a configuration
; Call with LA7SCFG = ien of shipping configuration in file #62.9 |
SCHK | ; Check shipping configuration for test eligible to add.
; Called by LA7SM, LA7SMB |
CHKMASK | ; Check pattern mask for tests that match on specimen, urgency and division.
CHKMASKR | ; Check pattern mask for re-shipped tests that match on specimen, urgency and division.
TASKSM | ; Task electronic transmission of manifest
CHKOLOC(LA7AA,LA7AD,LA7AN,LA7SCFG) | ; Check ordering location.
; If shipping configuration has specific ordering locations then check accession to determine if it's one of them |