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Routine: LA7SMU1

Package: Automated Lab Instruments

Routine: LA7SMU1


LA7SMU1 ;DALOI/JMC - Shipping Manifest Utility (Cont'd) ;Jun 14, 2022@18:38

Source Information

Source file <LA7SMU1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SMW(LA7SM) ; "Write" additional information on DIC lookup of #62.8.
; Called by DIC("W")
; Call with LA7SM = ien of entry in file #62.8
ADATE ; Select accession dates if specified
ASKPREV(LA7629) ; Ask if build should exclude tests from building that have previously
; been removed from a manifest. Allows user to control if tests rebuild
; onto the same or different manifest.
PREV(LA7UID,LA760) ; Determine if test previously removed from a manifest.
; Checks all manifests for accession/test combination.
; Call with LA7UID = accession's uid
; LA760 = file #60 test ien
SHIPCK(LA7UID,LA7AA,LA760,LA7628) ; Determine if test previously shipped and still eligible for shipping on another manifest
; Call with LA7UID = accession's UID
; LA7AA = accession's accession area
; LA760 = accession's file #60 test ien
; LA7628 = ien of previously shipped manifest (optional)
DOT(LA7CODE,LA7NCS,LA7UID,LA7628,LA7629) ; Determine ordered tests
HLP62(LR62) ; Display help for collection sample/topography

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^LAHM(62.8 - [#62.8] EXTERNAL^DILFD
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