LA7UID1 ;DALOI/JRR - Process Download Message for an entry in 62.48; 1/30/95 09:00
Source file <LA7UID1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ; Called from LA7UID
; This routine converts the information for each test in the load list ; into HL7 messages and hands them off to the HL7 package for delivery. ; LRLL= IEN in 68.2 Load Worklist file, from field in 62.4 ; LRINST= IEN IN 62.4 Auto Inst file ; LRAUTO= zero node of 62.4 entry ; LA76248= IEN in 62.48 Message Parameter file ; LAMODE= mode from 62.48 for this configuration |
CUP | ; Process each cup on load list
TEST | ;
ADL | ; Process/build messages for automatic download, no loadlist.
; Called from above by LA7ADL. |
EXIT | ;
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |