LA7UTILB ;DALOI/JMC - Reprocess Lab HL7 Incoming Messages ;11/18/15 17:19
Source file <LA7UTILB.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ; Select a Lab HL7 message to reprocess.
SETSTAT | ; Set status of selected messages to queued for processing
TASK | ; Task processing routine for each message's respective configuration
CHECKQ | ; Check "IQ" incoming queued for processing queues in case need to restart.
CHECKARQ | ; Check LAH global for pending auto release results in case need to restart
DICS(DA) | ; Perform FileMan DIC screen on lookup
; Call with DA = IEN of entry in file #62.49 ; Returns LA7Y = 1 if entry should be selected ; = 0 if not selectable ; Entry should be type (I)ncoming, have a status of (X)purgable, (E)rror or (Q)ueued for processing and ; be related to an message configuration type 1-UI or 10-LEDI. ; Messages for other configuration types should not be reprocessed at this time. |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^LAHM(62.49 - [#62.49] | Classic Fileman Calls |