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Routine: LA7VHLU1

Package: Automated Lab Instruments

Routine: LA7VHLU1


LA7VHLU1 ;DALOI/JMC - HL7 segment builder utility ;04/30/10 19:10

Source Information

Source file <LA7VHLU1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SETID(LA76249,LA7ID,LA7X,LA7TYP) ; Setup identifier's in TMP global for later storing.
; Call with LA76249 = ien of message in #62.49
; LA7ID = root of identifier
; LA7X = value to add to identifier
; LA7TYP = type - primary(1) or additional(0)
UTS(LA7628,LA7UID,LA760) ; Update test status on manifest
; Call with LA7628 = ien of shipping manifest in #62.8
; LA7UID = accession's UID
; LA760 = file # 60 ien of ordered test
UPID(LA76249) ; Update identifier's associated with the message in #62.49
; Call with LA76249 = ien of message in #62.49
CHKDT(LA7X) ; Check validity of date/time
; Adjust invalid times to closest valid time - correct for lab problem
; that generated invalid FileMan date/times.
; If hours>24 then set to 24 with no minutes/seconds
; If minutes greater than 59 then set to 59
; If seconds greater than 59 then set to 59
REFUNIT(LA7SB,LA761) ; Find reference ranges/units from file #60
; Call with LA7SB = dataname from "CH" subscript
; LA761 = pointer to topography file #61
OKTOSND(LRSS,LRSB,LA760) ; Check if test ok to send - is (O)utput or (B)oth
; Call with LRSS = file #63 subscript
; LRSB = file #63 data name or field reference
; LA760 = file #60 ien
FAMG(LA76248,LA7TYP) ; Find alert mail group for this alert type
; Call with LA76248 = ien of entry in file #62.48
; LA7TYP = type of alert
; (1-new results)
; (2-error on message)
; (3-orders received)
GETISO(SUBFL,IENS) ; Retrieve isolate id for micro specimens from file #63
; Call with SUBFL = FileMan subfile #
; IENS = FileMan iens of record
; Determine related file #62.49 message(s) status for results in LAH global.
; Call with LRLL = ien of loadlist in LAH global
; ISQN = ien of entry in LAH(LRLL) global
; ERR = 0 (do not return error messages)
; = .5 (return status of last message processed)
; = 1 (return error messages in array ERRMSG)
LAHSTATP(ERRMSG) ; Print/display error array from LAHSTAT function call.
; Call with ERRMSG = array of error messages (pass by reference)
ABFLAGS ;; HL7 Table 0078 Abnormal flags
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