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Routine: LA7VHLU6

Package: Automated Lab Instruments

Routine: LA7VHLU6


LA7VHLU6 ;DALOI/JMC - HL7 Code Sets utility ;08/10/16 13:30

Source Information

Source file <LA7VHLU6.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
IEN2SCT(FILE,IEN,DATE,LA7ALT) ; Return SCT code for a given file entry
; Call with FILE = file #
; IEN = internal entry number in FILE
; DATE = as of date
; LA7ALT = SNOMED CT ID to use as alternate
SCT2IEN(CODE,TEXT,VERSION,FILE,LA76247,LA76248) ; Return file ien for a given SNOMED CT code
; Call with CODE = SNOMED CT code
; TEXT = code text
; VERSION = code system version
; FILE = destination VistA file # (file where the SCT term resides)
; LA76247 = ien of concept to screen on
; LA76248 = related Lab Messaging configuration for non-standard code lookup (optional)
; used when code is only for a specific interface
HL2LAH(CODE,TEXT,NCS,VERSION,LA76248,LA7SS) ; Determine storage location for a code system sent in OBX-3
; Call with CODE = code id
; TEXT = code text
; NCS = name of coding system (LOINC, NLT, SCT, 99xxx, L)
; VERSION = code system version id
; LA76248 = related Lab Messaging configuration for non-standard code lookup (optional)
; used when code is only for a specific interface
; LA7SS = specific lab subscript to screen standard codes - used when same code used in multiple areas
  • ICR #5478
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Private
    LAHOVR ; Override HL2LAH concept code mapping.
    ALCONCPT(LA76247) ; Determine alternate concept for a concept
    ; Call with LA76247 = ien of concept
    PRID(CODE,NCS,LA764061) ; Determine if a code represents the presence/absence or the identity of a concept in OBX-5
    ; Used to determine if identity of organism or presence/absence
    ; Call with CODE = code id
    ; NCS = name of coding system
    ; LA64061 = related Lab database code
    HL2VA(CODE,TEXT,NCS,VERSION,LA76247,LA76248) ; Resolve code to internal VA file entry, used to resolve value of OBX-5 coded entry
    ; Call with CODE = code id
    ; NCS = name of coding system (SCT, 99xxx, L)
    ; TEXT = code text
    ; VERSION = code system version id
    ; LA76247 = ien of concept to screen on
    ; LA76248 = related Lab Messaging configuration for non-standard code lookup (optional)
    ; used when code is only for a specific interface
    SCT2KB(CODE,TEXT,NCS,VERSION) ; Convert Susceptibility codes to local codes.
    ; Call with CODE = susceptibility code
    ; TEXT = code text
    ; NCS = name of coding system (SCT, 99xxx, L)
    ; VERSION = code system version id
    SCT2PSTG(CODE,TEXT,NCS,VERSION) ; Convert Parasite Stage codes to local codes.
    ; Call with CODE = parasite stage code
    ; TEXT = code text
    ; NCS = name of coding system (SCT, 99xxx, L)
    ; VERSION = code system version id
    SCT2PN(CODE,TEXT,NCS,VERSION) ; Convert Positive/Negative to local codes.
    ; Call with CODE = positive/negative
    ; TEXT = code text
    ; NCS = name of coding system (SCT, 99xxx, L)
    ; VERSION = code system version id

    FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

    FileNo Call Tags
    ^LAB(64.061 - [#64.061] GET1^DIQ
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