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Routine: LA7VIN5A

Package: Automated Lab Instruments

Routine: LA7VIN5A


LA7VIN5A ;DALOI/JMC - Process Incoming UI Msgs, continued ;APRIL 4, 2016@16:27

Source Information

Source file <LA7VIN5A.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
XFORM ; Transform the result based on fields 12,13,14,16,17 in the Chem Test
; multiple in the Auto Instrument file (62.4), or set on the fly from PARAM 1
CHKDIE ; Check if value to be stored passes input transform of field in DD
JUSTDEC ; Justify to number of places specified
PRDID(LA7PRDID,LA7SFAC,LA7CS) ; Process/Store Producer's ID
; Store where test was performed.
; Call with LA7PRDID = Producer's ID field
; LA7SFAC = sending facility
; LA7CS = component encoding character
REFRNG(LA7X) ; Process/Store References Range.
; Call with LA7X = reference range to store.
ABFLAG(LA7X) ; Process/Store Abnormal Flags.
; Call with LA7X = abnormal flags to store.
; Converts flag to interpretation based on HL7 Table 0078.
; If no match store code instead of interpretation
EII ; Store equipment instance identifier in LAH global with results.

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FileNo Call Tags
63.04 GET1^DID
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