LA7VIN7D ;DALOI/JDB - Process ORU's OBX for Micro ;11/18/11 14:41
Source file <LA7VIN7D.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Package | Total | Caller Graph |
Automated Lab Instruments | 1 | LA7VIN71 |
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
8 | ;
; Process Parasite (Subscript 6) |
12(COM) | ;
; Process Parasite Rpt Remark (Subscript 7) ; Input ; COM : <opt> The text to use for the remark (comment) ; : If empty OBX5 is used |
13 | ;
; Process Parasite's Stage |
14 | ;
; Process Parasite Stage Quantity |
; If unknown storage location flag error ; No File #63 field mapping found for OBX-3 |
; Convenience method |
NTE | ;
; Convenience method |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
COM | 12~, 12+17, 12+19 |
>> DSOBX3 | 12+26, 12+27 |
DT | 13+17 |
I | 12+38~, 12+41*, 14+33~, 14+37*, 14+38, 14+39 |
>> ISQN | 12+47 |
ISQN2 | 8+2~, 8+11*, 8+12*, 8+13*, 8+15, 8+20, 8+22, 8+25, 8+27, 8+31 , 12+6~, 12+14*, 12+21, 12+23*, 12+32*, 12+44*, 12+45, 13+2~, 13+3*, 13+4* , 13+5*, 13+6, 13+10, 13+12, 13+32, 13+33, 13+37, 13+41, 13+45, 13+47 , 13+62, 14+2~, 14+3*, 14+4*, 14+5*, 14+6, 14+13, 14+21, 14+47, NTE+2 |
ISQN3 | 13+2~, 13+12*, 13+13, 13+34*, 13+36, 13+37, 13+41, 13+45, 13+47, 13+53* , 13+62, 13+63, 14+2~, 14+10*, 14+12, 14+13, 14+16, 14+47, 14+48 |
>> LA74 | 8+28, 12+9, 13+48 |
>> LA7612 | 8+3, 8+21 |
>> LA76247 | 12+47, 13+62, 14+47, NTE+2 |
>> LA7ECH | 8+7, 12+18, 13+57 |
>> LA7FS | 8+7, 12+18, 13+57 |
>> LA7ISQN | 8+12, 8+13, 12+14, 13+4, 13+5, 13+12, 13+32, 13+33, 14+4, 14+5 , 14+21, LAH+3 |
>> LA7KILAH | 8+9*, DDERR+6* |
>> LA7NLT | 13+42 |
LA7OBX3 | DDERR+3~, DDERR+4* |
>> LA7QUIT | 8+9*, DDERR+6* |
>> LA7RLNC | 8+23, 12+12 |
>> LA7RMK(0 | 13+62*, 14+47* |
>> LA7RO | 8+29, 12+10, 13+49 |
>> LA7SCT | 8+24, 13+16, 13+17, 13+20, 13+43 |
LA7VOBX5 | 8+5~, 8+6*, 8+7* |
LA7VPSTG | 8+14!, 13+13*, 13+36*, 14+10 |
LADATA | 13+2~, 13+15!, 13+18, 13+19, 13+22, 13+23, 13+52 |
LAP | LAH~, LAH+2, LAH+3 |
LAVAL | LAH~, LAH+2, LAH+3 |
>> LWL | 8+12, 8+13, 12+14, 13+4, 13+5, 13+12, 13+32, 13+33, 14+4, 14+5 , 14+21, LAH+3 |
MAXLEN | 12+6~, 12+20*, 12+35, 12+37, 12+39, 12+40, 12+41, 12+42, 12+43, 14+19~ , 14+20*, 14+30, 14+32, 14+35, 14+36, 14+37, 14+38, 14+39, 14+40 |
>> OBX11 | 8+26, 12+13, 13+46 |
>> OBX3 | DDERR+4 |
>> OBX5 | 8+6, 12+18, 13+22, 13+57, 14+14, 14+30, 14+31, 14+32, 14+34 |
PASS | 12+38~, 12+39*, 12+40*, 12+41, 14+33~, 14+35*, 14+36*, 14+37 |
>> PSUBID | 8+13, 13+5, 13+55, 14+5, 14+27 |
SEQ | 13+27~, 13+28*, 13+32*, 13+33, 13+34 |
SEQ2 | 13+2~, 14+19~, 14+21*, 14+22, 14+24*, 14+41*, 14+42 |
STAGE | 13+2~, 13+14*, 13+17*, 13+18, 13+19*, 13+23*, 13+26, 13+34, 13+38, 13+52 |
STOP | 13+27~, 13+30*, 13+32, 13+34* |
SUB | 8+2~, 8+18*, 8+19, 8+20*, 8+21, 8+22*, 8+23, 8+24, 8+25*, 8+26 , 8+27*, 8+28, 8+30, 8+31*, 8+32, 12+6~, 12+8*, 12+9, 12+11, 12+12 , 12+13, 12+21*, 12+23*, 12+31, 12+32*, 12+36, 12+42, 12+45*, 13+2~, 13+10* , 13+11, 13+37*, 13+39, 13+41*, 13+42, 13+43, 13+45*, 13+46, 13+47*, 13+48 , 13+50, 14+2~, 14+13*, 14+14, 14+22*, 14+24*, 14+31, 14+38, 14+39, 14+42* |
>> SUBID | 8+12, 8+13, 8+32, 13+4, 13+5, 13+54, 14+4, 14+5, 14+26 |
TEXT | 12+6~, 12+16*, 12+17*, 12+18, 12+19 |
TEXT2 | 12+6~, 12+18*, 12+19*, 12+35, 12+36, 12+37, 12+39, 12+40, 12+42 |
U | 12+29 |
X | 8+2~, 8+29*, 8+30, 12+6~, 12+10*, 12+11, 12+27*, 12+28*, 12+29*, 12+30 , 12+31, 13+2~, 13+29*, 13+33*, 13+34, 13+38*, 13+39, 13+49*, 13+50, 13+54* , 13+55*, 13+56*, 13+57, 14+2~, 14+26*, 14+27*, 14+28*, 14+29*, 14+30, 14+31 , 14+32, 14+34*, 14+35, 14+36, 14+38, 14+39 |
Y | 12+38~, 12+41*, 12+42, 12+43*, 14+33~, 14+37*, 14+38, 14+39, 14+40* |