Source file <LA7VLCM.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PS | ;
; Called from OPTION LA7V 62.47 PRINT SUSC ; Print #62.47 Susc |
PL | ;
; Called from OPTION LA7V 62.47 PRINT LOCAL ; Print #62.47 local codes |
PMC | ;
; Called from OPTION LA7V 62.47 PRINT BY MSG CONFIG ; Print by Msg Config |
CMC | ;
; Called from OPTION LA7V 62.47 CLONE MSG CONFIG ; Clone a Message Configuration |
CSM | ;
; Called from OPTION LA7V 62.47 PRINT CS MISMATCHES ; Code Set Mismatches |
FI | ;
; Called from OPTION LA7V 62.47 FIND IDENTIFIER ; Find Identifier |
DOD6247 | ;
; Called from option LA7V 62.47 ADD DOD |
; Called from option LA7V 62.47 MAP SUSCS |
ES | ;
; Called from OPTION LA7V 62.47 EDIT SUSC ; Edit Susceptibility ; Allow user to select either BACT or MYCO Susceptibility concept. ; Within identifier multiple allow selection of identifiers that ; are: ; LOINC or (Non LOINC and local (national standard=no)) ; and Purpose is RESULT CODE. ; Allow editing of field #2.1 Related entry - must be selectable ; only from file #62.06 (ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY) ; If local code then field #2.2 for specific related message ; configuration (local codes are interface specific). |
AEL | ;
; Called from OPTION LA7V 62.47 LOCAL IDENTIFIER ; Add/Edit Local Codes ; Allow selection of any concept. ; Local entries to be added at an internal entry number >1000000 ; with the IDENTIFIER multiple. ; Within identifier multiple allow selection and/or addition of ; non-standard code. ; When adding entry field .05 NATIONAL STANDARD will be set to NO ; Edit fields: ; .01 -- IDENTIFIER ; .02 -- CODING SYSTEM (only allow selection of "L" and "99xxx" ; when non-standard) ; .03 -- PURPOSE ; 2.1 -- RELATED ENTRY ; 2.2 -- RELATED MESSAGE CONFIGURATION |
LNFSN(R6247,R624701) | ;
; Returns the LOINC FSN for specified entry ; Inputs ; R6247 : File #62.47 IEN ; R624701 : Subfile #62.4701 IEN ; Output ; Null or the LOINC code's Fully Specified Name (FSN) |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |