LA88 ;DALOI/JMC - LA*5.2*88 KIDS ROUTINE ;3/4/16 17:15
Source file <LA88.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PRE | ;
POST | ;
; KIDS Post install for LA*5.2*88 |
; Write string |
; Prints a "." when NOW > LAST + INT ; Input ; LAST : <byref> The last $H when "." was shown |
PTG | ;
; Pre-Transport Global routine |
; Display a string using MES^XPDUTL ; Inputs ; STR: String to display ; CJ: Center text? 1=yes 0=1 <dflt=1> ; LM: Left Margin (padding) |
FILE101(LA7UPDATE) | ; Update Lab UI protocols to HL7 v2.5.1
CHECKWP(LAIEN) | ; Check description (WP) field on protocol and update text.
; Change reference to v2.2 to v2.5.1 in description. ; Call with LAIEN = IENS of entry in file #101 |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^ORD(101 - [#101] | GET1^DIQ, WP^DIE |
^HL(771.5 - [#771.5] | FIND1^DIC |
^HL(779.003 - [#779.003] | FIND1^DIC |