- LEX2073D ;ISL/KER - LEX*2.0*73 Post-Install - Mixed Case 2 ;01/03/2011
- ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;**73**;Sep 23, 1996;Build 10
- ;
- ; External Global Variables
- ; None
- ;
- ; External References
- ; FILE^DIE ICR 2053
- ; IX1^DIK ICR 10013
- ; MES^XPDUTL ICR 10141
- ;
- Q
- EN ;
- . S LEXLN=$P(LEXTX,";;",2,$L(LEXTX,";;")) S:'$L($TR(LEXLN,";","")) LEXTX="" Q:'$L(LEXTX)
- . S LEXSO=$P(LEXLN,";;",1),LEXIEN=$P(LEXLN,";;",2),LEXEXP=$P(LEXLN,";;",3) Q:LEXSO'?4N Q:+LEXIEN'>0 Q:'$D(^LEX(757.01,+LEXIEN,0)) Q:'$L(LEXEXP)
- Q
- D MES^XPDUTL(" 5260-6354")
- LEX ;; 5260-6354
- ;;5260;;304531;;Limitation of Flexion of Leg
- ;;5261;;304532;;Limitation of Extension of Leg
- ;;5262;;304533;;Impairment of Tibia and Fibula
- ;;5263;;265468;;Genu Recurvatum
- ;;5270;;304534;;Ankylosis of Ankle
- ;;5271;;304535;;Limitation of Motion of Ankle
- ;;5272;;304536;;Ankylosis of Subastragalar or Tarsal Joint
- ;;5273;;304537;;Malunion of Os Calcis or Astragalus
- ;;5274;;304545;;Astragalectomy
- ;;5275;;304539;;Shortening of Bones of the lower Extremity
- ;;5276;;46749;;Flatfoot
- ;;5277;;304540;;Weak Foot (Bilateral)
- ;;5278;;272746;;Claw Foot (Pes Cavus), Acquired
- ;;5279;;304541;;Anterior Metatarsalgia (Morton's Disease)
- ;;5280;;53764;;Hallux Valgus
- ;;5281;;265483;;Hallux Rigidus
- ;;5282;;186911;;Hammer Toe
- ;;5283;;304542;;Nonunion or Malunion of the Tarsal or Metatarsal Bones
- ;;5284;;304543;;Foot Injuries
- ;;5295;;12249;;Back Strain
- ;;5296;;304556;;Loss of part of the Skull (both Inner and outer Tables)
- ;;5297;;304557;;Removal of Ribs
- ;;5298;;304558;;Removal of Coccyx
- ;;5301;;304559;;Injury to the Extrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle (Group I Function: Upward Rotation of Scapula)
- ;;5302;;304566;;Injury to the Extrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle (Group II Function: Depression of Arm)
- ;;5303;;304567;;Injury to the Intrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle (Group III Function: Elevation and Abduction of Arm)
- ;;5304;;304568;;Injury to the Intrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle (Group IV Function: Stabilization of Shoulder)
- ;;5305;;304569;;Injury to the Flexor Muscles of the Elbow (Group V Function: Elbow Supination)
- ;;5306;;304570;;Injury to the Extensor Muscles of the Elbow (Group VI Function: Extension of Elbow)
- ;;5307;;304571;;Injury to the Muscles from the Internal Condyle of the Humerus (Group VII Function: Flexion of Wrist and Fingers)
- ;;5308;;304572;;Injury to the Muscles from the External Condyle of the Humerus (Group VIII Function: Extension of Wrist, Fingers, Thumb)
- ;;5309;;304573;;Injury to the Muscles of the Hand (Group IX Function: Forearm Muscles)
- ;;5310;;304574;;Injury to the Muscles of the Foot (Group X Function: Movement of Forefoot and Toes)
- ;;5311;;304575;;Injury to the Posterior and Lateral Muscles of the Leg (Group XI Function: Propulsion of Foot)
- ;;5312;;304576;;Injury to the Anterior Muscles of the Leg (Group XII Function: Dorsiflexion)
- ;;5313;;304577;;Injury to the Posterior Muscles of the Thigh (Group XIII Function: Extension of Hip and Flexion of Knee)
- ;;5314;;304578;;Injury to the Anterior Muscles of the Thigh (Group XIV Function: Extension of Knee)
- ;;5315;;304579;;Injury to the Mesial Muscles of the Thigh (Group Xv Function: Adduction of Hip)
- ;;5316;;304580;;Injury to the Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle (Group XVI Function: Flexion of Hip)
- ;;5317;;304581;;Injury to the Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle (Group XVII Function: Extension of Hip)
- ;;5318;;304582;;Injury to the Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle (Group XVIII Function: Outward Rotation of Thigh)
- ;;5319;;304583;;Injury to the Muscles of the Abdominal Wall (Group XIX Function: Abdominal Wall and lower Thorax)
- ;;5320;;304584;;Injury to the Muscles of the Spine (Group XX Function: Postural Support of Body)
- ;;5321;;304585;;Injury to the Muscles Involved with Respiration (Group XXI Function: Respiration)
- ;;5322;;304586;;Injury to the Muscles of the Front of the Neck (Group XXII Function: Rotary and Forward Movements, Head)
- ;;5323;;304587;;Injury to the Lateral and Posterior Muscles of the Neck (Group XXIII Function: Movements of Head)
- ;;5324;;304588;;Rupture of Diaphragm
- ;;5325;;304589;;Injury to the Muscles of the Face
- ;;5326;;304590;;Muscle Hernia
- ;;5327;;1054;;Malignant Neoplasm of Muscle
- ;;5328;;304606;;Benign Neoplasm of Muscle
- ;;5329;;304607;;Soft Tissue Sarcoma of Muscle, Fat or Connective Tissue
- ;;6000;;124827;;Uveitis
- ;;6001;;66755;;Keratitis
- ;;6002;;108564;;Scleritis
- ;;6003;;65605;;Iritis
- ;;6004;;29915;;Cyclitis
- ;;6005;;23985;;Choroiditis
- ;;6006;;105686;;Retinitis
- ;;6007;;304591;;Intraocular Hemorrhage, Recent
- ;;6008;;105529;;Retinal Detachment
- ;;6009;;304592;;Unhealed Injury of the Eye
- ;;6010;;304593;;Tuberculosis of the Eye
- ;;6011;;304594;;Localized Retinal Scars
- ;;6012;;304595;;Glaucoma (Congestive or Inflammatory)
- ;;6013;;304596;;Glaucoma (Simple, Primary, Noncongestive)
- ;;6014;;304597;;Malignant new Growths of the Eye
- ;;6015;;304598;;Benign new Growths of the Eye and Adnexa
- ;;6016;;304599;;Nystagmus, Central
- ;;6017;;304600;;Trachomatous Conjunctivitis (Chronic)
- ;;6018;;269008;;Chronic Conjunctivitis
- ;;6019;;15283;;Ptosis (Drooping Eyelid)
- ;;6020;;38326;;Ectropion
- ;;6021;;41016;;Entropion
- ;;6022;;265452;;Lagophthalmos
- ;;6023;;304601;;Loss of Eyebrows
- ;;6024;;304603;;Loss of Eyelashes
- ;;6025;;265453;;Epiphora
- ;;6026;;86002;;Optic Neuritis
- ;;6027;;268802;;Traumatic Cataract
- ;;6028;;20264;;Cataract
- ;;6029;;9445;;Aphakia
- ;;6030;;304605;;Paralysis of Accommodation
- ;;6031;;30880;;Dacryocystitis
- ;;6032;;304608;;Loss of a Portion of an Eyelid
- ;;6033;;304609;;Dislocation of Crystalline Lens
- ;;6034;;304610;;Pterygium
- ;;6035;;66799;;Keratoconus
- ;;6061;;304611;;Anatomical Loss of both Eyes
- ;;6062;;304613;;Blindness in both Eyes Having only Light Perception
- ;;6063;;304614;;Anatomical Loss of One Eye and 5/200 or less in the other Eye
- ;;6064;;304615;;Anatomical Loss of One Eye and 20/200 or less in the other Eye
- ;;6065;;304616;;Anatomical Loss of One Eye and Impaired Vision in the other Eye
- ;;6066;;304617;;Anatomical Loss of One Eye and Normal Vision in the other Eye
- ;;6067;;304618;;Blindnes of One Eye (Having only Light Perception) and 5/200 or less in the other Eye
- ;;6068;;304619;;Blindnes of One Eye (Having only Light Perception) and 20/200 or less in the other Eye
- ;;6069;;304620;;Blindnes of One Eye (Having only Light Perception) and Impaired Vision in the other Eye
- ;;6070;;304621;;Blindnes of One Eye (Having only Light Perception) and Normal Vision in the other Eye
- ;;6071;;304622;;Total Blindnes of both Eyes (5/200 or less)
- ;;6072;;304623;;Total Blindnes of One Eye (5/200 or less) and 20/200 or less in the other Eye
- ;;6073;;304624;;Total Blindnes of One Eye (5/200 or less) and Impaired Vision in the other Eye
- ;;6074;;304625;;Total Blindnes of One Eye (5/200 or less) and Normal Vision in the other Eye
- ;;6075;;304626;;Partial Blindnes of both Eyes (20/200 or less)
- ;;6076;;304627;;Partial Blindnes of One Eye (20/200 or less) and Impaired Vision in the other Eye
- ;;6077;;304628;;Partial Blindnes of One Eye (20/200 or less) and Normal Vision in the other Eye
- ;;6078;;304629;;Partial Blindnes of both Eyes (unspecified)
- ;;6079;;304630;;Partial Blindnes of One Eye (unspecified)
- ;;6080;;304631;;Impairment of Field Vision
- ;;6081;;304632;;Unilateral Pathological Scotoma
- ;;6090;;304634;;Impairment of Ocular Muscle Function
- ;;6091;;265885;;Symblepharon
- ;;6092;;304633;;Diplopia due to Limited Muscle Funciton
- ;;6200;;186937;;Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
- ;;6201;;304646;;Chronic Catarrhal Otitis Media
- ;;6202;;88333;;Otosclerosis
- ;;6204;;67891;;Labyrinthitis
- ;;6205;;75725;;Meniere's Syndrome
- ;;6207;;304649;;Loss or Deformity of Auricle
- ;;6208;;304650;;Malignant new Growth of Ear (other than Skin only)
- ;;6209;;304651;;Benign new Growth of Ear (other than Skin only)
- ;;6210;;304653;;Disease of Auditory Canal
- ;;6211;;259079;;Perforation of Tympanic Membrane
- ;;6260;;119771;;Tinnitus
- ;;6275;;304654;;Loss of Sense of Smell
- ;;6276;;304655;;Loss of Sense of Taste
- ;;6300;;304656;;Asiatic Cholera
- ;;6301;;304657;;Kala-Azar (Visceral Leishmaniasis)
- ;;6302;;304669;;Leprosy (Hansen's Disease)
- ;;6304;;73348;;Malaria
- ;;6305;;46368;;Filariasis
- ;;6306;;12767;;Bartonella Infections
- ;;6307;;94858;;Plague
- ;;6308;;104564;;Relapsing Fever
- ;;6309;;105990;;Rheumatic Fever
- ;;6310;;116808;;Syphilis
- ;;6311;;122716;;Tuberculosis (Miliary)
- ;;6313;;11962;;Avitaminosis
- ;;6314;;13556;;Beriberi
- ;;6315;;91049;;Pellagra
- ;;6316;;304658;;Brucellosis (Malta or Undulant Fever)
- ;;6317;;108735;;Scrub Typhus
- ;;6318;;75520;;Melioidosis
- ;;6319;;72315;;Lyme Disease
- ;;6320;;90094;;Parasitic Diseases NOS
- ;;6350;;304660;;Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Disseminated)
- ;;6351;;304652;;Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Related Illness (unspecified)
- ;;6354;;304659;;Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- ;;;;;;
- --- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HLEX2073D 9521 printed Feb 18, 2025@23:30:46 Page 2
- LEX2073D ;ISL/KER - LEX*2.0*73 Post-Install - Mixed Case 2 ;01/03/2011
- +1 ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;**73**;Sep 23, 1996;Build 10
- +2 ;
- +3 ; External Global Variables
- +4 ; None
- +5 ;
- +6 ; External References
- +7 ; FILE^DIE ICR 2053
- +8 ; IX1^DIK ICR 10013
- +9 ; MES^XPDUTL ICR 10141
- +10 ;
- +11 QUIT
- EN ;
- Begin DoDot:1
- +3 SET LEXTX=""
- if LEXSO'?4N
- if +LEXIEN'>0
- if '$DATA(^LEX(757.01,+LEXIEN,0))
- SET DIK="^LEX(757.01,"
- End DoDot:1
- +8 QUIT
- +9 DO MES^XPDUTL(" 5260-6354")
- LEX ;; 5260-6354
- +1 ;;5260;;304531;;Limitation of Flexion of Leg
- +2 ;;5261;;304532;;Limitation of Extension of Leg
- +3 ;;5262;;304533;;Impairment of Tibia and Fibula
- +4 ;;5263;;265468;;Genu Recurvatum
- +5 ;;5270;;304534;;Ankylosis of Ankle
- +6 ;;5271;;304535;;Limitation of Motion of Ankle
- +7 ;;5272;;304536;;Ankylosis of Subastragalar or Tarsal Joint
- +8 ;;5273;;304537;;Malunion of Os Calcis or Astragalus
- +9 ;;5274;;304545;;Astragalectomy
- +10 ;;5275;;304539;;Shortening of Bones of the lower Extremity
- +11 ;;5276;;46749;;Flatfoot
- +12 ;;5277;;304540;;Weak Foot (Bilateral)
- +13 ;;5278;;272746;;Claw Foot (Pes Cavus), Acquired
- +14 ;;5279;;304541;;Anterior Metatarsalgia (Morton's Disease)
- +15 ;;5280;;53764;;Hallux Valgus
- +16 ;;5281;;265483;;Hallux Rigidus
- +17 ;;5282;;186911;;Hammer Toe
- +18 ;;5283;;304542;;Nonunion or Malunion of the Tarsal or Metatarsal Bones
- +19 ;;5284;;304543;;Foot Injuries
- +20 ;;5295;;12249;;Back Strain
- +21 ;;5296;;304556;;Loss of part of the Skull (both Inner and outer Tables)
- +22 ;;5297;;304557;;Removal of Ribs
- +23 ;;5298;;304558;;Removal of Coccyx
- +24 ;;5301;;304559;;Injury to the Extrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle (Group I Function: Upward Rotation of Scapula)
- +25 ;;5302;;304566;;Injury to the Extrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle (Group II Function: Depression of Arm)
- +26 ;;5303;;304567;;Injury to the Intrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle (Group III Function: Elevation and Abduction of Arm)
- +27 ;;5304;;304568;;Injury to the Intrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle (Group IV Function: Stabilization of Shoulder)
- +28 ;;5305;;304569;;Injury to the Flexor Muscles of the Elbow (Group V Function: Elbow Supination)
- +29 ;;5306;;304570;;Injury to the Extensor Muscles of the Elbow (Group VI Function: Extension of Elbow)
- +30 ;;5307;;304571;;Injury to the Muscles from the Internal Condyle of the Humerus (Group VII Function: Flexion of Wrist and Fingers)
- +31 ;;5308;;304572;;Injury to the Muscles from the External Condyle of the Humerus (Group VIII Function: Extension of Wrist, Fingers, Thumb)
- +32 ;;5309;;304573;;Injury to the Muscles of the Hand (Group IX Function: Forearm Muscles)
- +33 ;;5310;;304574;;Injury to the Muscles of the Foot (Group X Function: Movement of Forefoot and Toes)
- +34 ;;5311;;304575;;Injury to the Posterior and Lateral Muscles of the Leg (Group XI Function: Propulsion of Foot)
- +35 ;;5312;;304576;;Injury to the Anterior Muscles of the Leg (Group XII Function: Dorsiflexion)
- +36 ;;5313;;304577;;Injury to the Posterior Muscles of the Thigh (Group XIII Function: Extension of Hip and Flexion of Knee)
- +37 ;;5314;;304578;;Injury to the Anterior Muscles of the Thigh (Group XIV Function: Extension of Knee)
- +38 ;;5315;;304579;;Injury to the Mesial Muscles of the Thigh (Group Xv Function: Adduction of Hip)
- +39 ;;5316;;304580;;Injury to the Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle (Group XVI Function: Flexion of Hip)
- +40 ;;5317;;304581;;Injury to the Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle (Group XVII Function: Extension of Hip)
- +41 ;;5318;;304582;;Injury to the Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle (Group XVIII Function: Outward Rotation of Thigh)
- +42 ;;5319;;304583;;Injury to the Muscles of the Abdominal Wall (Group XIX Function: Abdominal Wall and lower Thorax)
- +43 ;;5320;;304584;;Injury to the Muscles of the Spine (Group XX Function: Postural Support of Body)
- +44 ;;5321;;304585;;Injury to the Muscles Involved with Respiration (Group XXI Function: Respiration)
- +45 ;;5322;;304586;;Injury to the Muscles of the Front of the Neck (Group XXII Function: Rotary and Forward Movements, Head)
- +46 ;;5323;;304587;;Injury to the Lateral and Posterior Muscles of the Neck (Group XXIII Function: Movements of Head)
- +47 ;;5324;;304588;;Rupture of Diaphragm
- +48 ;;5325;;304589;;Injury to the Muscles of the Face
- +49 ;;5326;;304590;;Muscle Hernia
- +50 ;;5327;;1054;;Malignant Neoplasm of Muscle
- +51 ;;5328;;304606;;Benign Neoplasm of Muscle
- +52 ;;5329;;304607;;Soft Tissue Sarcoma of Muscle, Fat or Connective Tissue
- +53 ;;6000;;124827;;Uveitis
- +54 ;;6001;;66755;;Keratitis
- +55 ;;6002;;108564;;Scleritis
- +56 ;;6003;;65605;;Iritis
- +57 ;;6004;;29915;;Cyclitis
- +58 ;;6005;;23985;;Choroiditis
- +59 ;;6006;;105686;;Retinitis
- +60 ;;6007;;304591;;Intraocular Hemorrhage, Recent
- +61 ;;6008;;105529;;Retinal Detachment
- +62 ;;6009;;304592;;Unhealed Injury of the Eye
- +63 ;;6010;;304593;;Tuberculosis of the Eye
- +64 ;;6011;;304594;;Localized Retinal Scars
- +65 ;;6012;;304595;;Glaucoma (Congestive or Inflammatory)
- +66 ;;6013;;304596;;Glaucoma (Simple, Primary, Noncongestive)
- +67 ;;6014;;304597;;Malignant new Growths of the Eye
- +68 ;;6015;;304598;;Benign new Growths of the Eye and Adnexa
- +69 ;;6016;;304599;;Nystagmus, Central
- +70 ;;6017;;304600;;Trachomatous Conjunctivitis (Chronic)
- +71 ;;6018;;269008;;Chronic Conjunctivitis
- +72 ;;6019;;15283;;Ptosis (Drooping Eyelid)
- +73 ;;6020;;38326;;Ectropion
- +74 ;;6021;;41016;;Entropion
- +75 ;;6022;;265452;;Lagophthalmos
- +76 ;;6023;;304601;;Loss of Eyebrows
- +77 ;;6024;;304603;;Loss of Eyelashes
- +78 ;;6025;;265453;;Epiphora
- +79 ;;6026;;86002;;Optic Neuritis
- +80 ;;6027;;268802;;Traumatic Cataract
- +81 ;;6028;;20264;;Cataract
- +82 ;;6029;;9445;;Aphakia
- +83 ;;6030;;304605;;Paralysis of Accommodation
- +84 ;;6031;;30880;;Dacryocystitis
- +85 ;;6032;;304608;;Loss of a Portion of an Eyelid
- +86 ;;6033;;304609;;Dislocation of Crystalline Lens
- +87 ;;6034;;304610;;Pterygium
- +88 ;;6035;;66799;;Keratoconus
- +89 ;;6061;;304611;;Anatomical Loss of both Eyes
- +90 ;;6062;;304613;;Blindness in both Eyes Having only Light Perception
- +91 ;;6063;;304614;;Anatomical Loss of One Eye and 5/200 or less in the other Eye
- +92 ;;6064;;304615;;Anatomical Loss of One Eye and 20/200 or less in the other Eye
- +93 ;;6065;;304616;;Anatomical Loss of One Eye and Impaired Vision in the other Eye
- +94 ;;6066;;304617;;Anatomical Loss of One Eye and Normal Vision in the other Eye
- +95 ;;6067;;304618;;Blindnes of One Eye (Having only Light Perception) and 5/200 or less in the other Eye
- +96 ;;6068;;304619;;Blindnes of One Eye (Having only Light Perception) and 20/200 or less in the other Eye
- +97 ;;6069;;304620;;Blindnes of One Eye (Having only Light Perception) and Impaired Vision in the other Eye
- +98 ;;6070;;304621;;Blindnes of One Eye (Having only Light Perception) and Normal Vision in the other Eye
- +99 ;;6071;;304622;;Total Blindnes of both Eyes (5/200 or less)
- +100 ;;6072;;304623;;Total Blindnes of One Eye (5/200 or less) and 20/200 or less in the other Eye
- +101 ;;6073;;304624;;Total Blindnes of One Eye (5/200 or less) and Impaired Vision in the other Eye
- +102 ;;6074;;304625;;Total Blindnes of One Eye (5/200 or less) and Normal Vision in the other Eye
- +103 ;;6075;;304626;;Partial Blindnes of both Eyes (20/200 or less)
- +104 ;;6076;;304627;;Partial Blindnes of One Eye (20/200 or less) and Impaired Vision in the other Eye
- +105 ;;6077;;304628;;Partial Blindnes of One Eye (20/200 or less) and Normal Vision in the other Eye
- +106 ;;6078;;304629;;Partial Blindnes of both Eyes (unspecified)
- +107 ;;6079;;304630;;Partial Blindnes of One Eye (unspecified)
- +108 ;;6080;;304631;;Impairment of Field Vision
- +109 ;;6081;;304632;;Unilateral Pathological Scotoma
- +110 ;;6090;;304634;;Impairment of Ocular Muscle Function
- +111 ;;6091;;265885;;Symblepharon
- +112 ;;6092;;304633;;Diplopia due to Limited Muscle Funciton
- +113 ;;6200;;186937;;Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
- +114 ;;6201;;304646;;Chronic Catarrhal Otitis Media
- +115 ;;6202;;88333;;Otosclerosis
- +116 ;;6204;;67891;;Labyrinthitis
- +117 ;;6205;;75725;;Meniere's Syndrome
- +118 ;;6207;;304649;;Loss or Deformity of Auricle
- +119 ;;6208;;304650;;Malignant new Growth of Ear (other than Skin only)
- +120 ;;6209;;304651;;Benign new Growth of Ear (other than Skin only)
- +121 ;;6210;;304653;;Disease of Auditory Canal
- +122 ;;6211;;259079;;Perforation of Tympanic Membrane
- +123 ;;6260;;119771;;Tinnitus
- +124 ;;6275;;304654;;Loss of Sense of Smell
- +125 ;;6276;;304655;;Loss of Sense of Taste
- +126 ;;6300;;304656;;Asiatic Cholera
- +127 ;;6301;;304657;;Kala-Azar (Visceral Leishmaniasis)
- +128 ;;6302;;304669;;Leprosy (Hansen's Disease)
- +129 ;;6304;;73348;;Malaria
- +130 ;;6305;;46368;;Filariasis
- +131 ;;6306;;12767;;Bartonella Infections
- +132 ;;6307;;94858;;Plague
- +133 ;;6308;;104564;;Relapsing Fever
- +134 ;;6309;;105990;;Rheumatic Fever
- +135 ;;6310;;116808;;Syphilis
- +136 ;;6311;;122716;;Tuberculosis (Miliary)
- +137 ;;6313;;11962;;Avitaminosis
- +138 ;;6314;;13556;;Beriberi
- +139 ;;6315;;91049;;Pellagra
- +140 ;;6316;;304658;;Brucellosis (Malta or Undulant Fever)
- +141 ;;6317;;108735;;Scrub Typhus
- +142 ;;6318;;75520;;Melioidosis
- +143 ;;6319;;72315;;Lyme Disease
- +144 ;;6320;;90094;;Parasitic Diseases NOS
- +145 ;;6350;;304660;;Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Disseminated)
- +146 ;;6351;;304652;;Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Related Illness (unspecified)
- +147 ;;6354;;304659;;Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- +148 ;;;;;;