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Routine: LEX2073F


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  1. LEX2073F ;ISL/KER - LEX*2.0*73 Post-Install - Mixed Case 3 ;01/03/2011
  1. ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;**73**;Sep 23, 1996;Build 10
  1. ;
  1. ; External Global Variables
  1. ; None
  1. ;
  1. ; External References
  1. ; FILE^DIE ICR 2053
  1. ; IX1^DIK ICR 10013
  1. ; MES^XPDUTL ICR 10141
  1. ;
  1. Q
  1. EN ;
  1. . S LEXLN=$P(LEXTX,";;",2,$L(LEXTX,";;")) S:'$L($TR(LEXLN,";","")) LEXTX="" Q:'$L(LEXTX)
  1. . S LEXSO=$P(LEXLN,";;",1),LEXIEN=$P(LEXLN,";;",2),LEXEXP=$P(LEXLN,";;",3) Q:LEXSO'?4N Q:+LEXIEN'>0 Q:'$D(^LEX(757.01,+LEXIEN,0)) Q:'$L(LEXEXP)
  1. . D FILE^DIE("","LEXFDA") S DA=LEXIEN,DIK="^LEX(757.01," D IX1^DIK
  1. Q
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" 7620-8630")
  1. LEX ;; 7620-8630
  1. ;;7620;;304809;;Complete Atrophy of both Ovaries
  1. ;;7621;;124759;;Prolapse of Uterus
  1. ;;7622;;304810;;Displacement of Uterus
  1. ;;7623;;304811;;Surgical Complications of Pregnancy
  1. ;;7624;;104110;;Rectovaginal Fistula
  1. ;;7625;;304812;;Urethrovaginal Fistula
  1. ;;7626;;296488;;Surgery of the Breast
  1. ;;7627;;304813;;Malignant Neoplasm of Gynecological System or Breast
  1. ;;7628;;304814;;Benign Neoplasm of Gynecological System or Breast
  1. ;;7629;;40463;;Endometriosis
  1. ;;7700;;7161;;Pernicious Anemia
  1. ;;7702;;304815;;Acute Agranulocytosis
  1. ;;7703;;69420;;Leukemia
  1. ;;7704;;304816;;Primary Polycythemia
  1. ;;7705;;304817;;Purpura Hemorrhagica
  1. ;;7706;;113421;;Splenectomy
  1. ;;7707;;274824;;Injury to Spleen
  1. ;;7709;;304818;;Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's Disease)
  1. ;;7710;;304819;;Tuberculous Adenitis (Active or Inactive)
  1. ;;7714;;7198;;Sickle Cell Anemia
  1. ;;7715;;72695;;Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
  1. ;;7716;;7020;;Aplastic Anemia
  1. ;;7800;;304823;;Disfiguring Scars of the Head, Face or Neck
  1. ;;7801;;108133;;Deep Scars other than Head, Face or Neck
  1. ;;7802;;304824;;Superficial Scars other than Head, Face, or Neck
  1. ;;7803;;304827;;Superficial Scars (Unstable)
  1. ;;7804;;276699;;Superficial Scars (Painful)
  1. ;;7805;;304825;;Scars
  1. ;;7806;;38333;;Dermatitis or Eczema
  1. ;;7807;;304828;;Leishmaniasis, Americana (Mucocutaneous, Espundia)
  1. ;;7808;;304829;;Leishmaniasis, Old World (Cutaneous, Oriental Sore)
  1. ;;7809;;72148;;Lupus Erythematosus, Discoid
  1. ;;7811;;304830;;Tuberculosis Luposa (Lupus Vulgaris) (Active or Inactive)
  1. ;;7813;;33165;;Dermatophytosis
  1. ;;7815;;91124;;Pemphigus
  1. ;;7816;;100316;;Psoriasis
  1. ;;7817;;33046;;Dermatitis Exfoliativa
  1. ;;7818;;304831;;Malignant new Growths of Skin
  1. ;;7819;;304832;;Benign new Growths of Skin
  1. ;;7820;;1035;;Infections of the Skin
  1. ;;7821;;1036;;Skin Condition
  1. ;;7822;;278875;;Papulosquamous Disorders
  1. ;;7823;;127071;;Vitiligo
  1. ;;7824;;1037;;Diseases of Keratinization
  1. ;;7825;;124650;;Urticaria
  1. ;;7826;;1038;;Vasculitis (Primary Cutaneous)
  1. ;;7827;;1039;;Erythema Multiforme, Toxic Epidermal Necrolys
  1. ;;7828;;2143;;Acne
  1. ;;7829;;294072;;Chloracne
  1. ;;7830;;1040;;Scarring Alopecia
  1. ;;7831;;5095;;Alopecia Areata
  1. ;;7832;;60030;;Hyperhidrosis
  1. ;;7833;;75457;;Malignant Melanoma
  1. ;;7900;;60393;;Hyperthyroidism
  1. ;;7901;;304833;;Adenoma of the Thyroid Gland (Toxic)
  1. ;;7902;;263728;;Adenoma of the Thyroid Gland (non-Toxic)
  1. ;;7903;;60820;;Hypothyroidism
  1. ;;7904;;304834;;Hyperparathyroidism (Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica)
  1. ;;7905;;60635;;Hypoparathyroidism
  1. ;;7907;;304835;;Hyperpituitarism (Pituitary Basophilism, Cushing's Syndrome)
  1. ;;7908;;304836;;Hyperpituitarism (Acromegaly or Gigantism)
  1. ;;7909;;304837;;Hypopituitarism (Diabetes Insipidus)
  1. ;;7911;;304839;;Addison's Disease (Adrenal Cortical Hypofunction)
  1. ;;7912;;304840;;Pluriglandular Syndromes
  1. ;;7913;;33574;;Diabetes Mellitus
  1. ;;7914;;304842;;Malignant new Growth of any part of the Endocrine System
  1. ;;7915;;304843;;Benign new Growth of any part of the Endocrine System
  1. ;;7917;;59900;;Hyperaldosteronism
  1. ;;7918;;93245;;Pheochromocytoma
  1. ;;7919;;1041;;C-Cell Hyperplasia of the Thyroid
  1. ;;8000;;40032;;Chronic Epidemic Encephalitis
  1. ;;8002;;304845;;Malignant new Growth of the Brain
  1. ;;8003;;304846;;Benign new Growth of the Brain
  1. ;;8004;;304847;;Paralysis Agitans
  1. ;;8005;;89852;;Bulbar Palsy
  1. ;;8007;;304848;;Embolism of the Vessels of the Brain
  1. ;;8008;;304849;;Thrombosis of the Vessels of the Brain
  1. ;;8009;;304850;;Hemorrhage from the Vessels of the Brain
  1. ;;8010;;80399;;Myelitis
  1. ;;8011;;304851;;Poliomyelitis (Anterior)
  1. ;;8012;;55412;;Hematomyelia
  1. ;;8013;;304852;;Cerebrospinal Syphilis
  1. ;;8014;;116847;;Meningovascular Syphilis
  1. ;;8015;;117008;;Tabes Dorsalis
  1. ;;8017;;6639;;Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  1. ;;8018;;79761;;Multiple Sclerosis
  1. ;;8019;;304853;;Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis
  1. ;;8020;;304854;;Abscess of the Brain
  1. ;;8021;;304855;;Malignant new Growths of the Spinal Cord
  1. ;;8022;;304856;;Benign new Growths of the Spinal Cord
  1. ;;8023;;79999;;Progressive Muscular Atrophy
  1. ;;8024;;116870;;Syringomyelia
  1. ;;8025;;80166;;Myasthenia Gravis
  1. ;;8045;;304857;;Brain Diseases due to Trauma
  1. ;;8046;;21571;;Cerebral Atherosclerosis
  1. ;;8100;;55511;;Migraine, unspecified, without mention of Intractable Migraine
  1. ;;8100;;55512;;Migraine Headache (without mention of Intractable Migraine)
  1. ;;8100;;55513;;Migraine Headache
  1. ;;8100;;55514;;Migraine Headaches
  1. ;;8100;;55515;;Hemicranias
  1. ;;8103;;304858;;Convulsive Tic
  1. ;;8104;;89912;;Paramyoclonus Multiplex
  1. ;;8105;;265149;;Sydenham's Chorea
  1. ;;8106;;59370;;Huntington's Chorea
  1. ;;8107;;304861;;Acquired Athetosis
  1. ;;8108;;81337;;Narcolepsy
  1. ;;8205;;304862;;Paralysis of the fifth Cranial Nerve (Trigeminal)
  1. ;;8207;;304863;;Paralysis of the Seventh Cranial Nerve (Facialis)
  1. ;;8209;;304883;;Paralysis of the Ninth Cranial Nerve (Glossopharyngeal)
  1. ;;8210;;304885;;Paralysis of the Tenth Cranial Nerve (Vagus)
  1. ;;8211;;304887;;Paralysis of the Eleventh Cranial Nerve (Accessorius)
  1. ;;8212;;304889;;Paralysis of the Twelfth Cranial Nerve (Hypoglossus)
  1. ;;8305;;304891;;Neuritis of the fifth Cranial Nerve (Trigeminal)
  1. ;;8307;;304893;;Neuritis of the Seventh Cranial Nerve (Facialis)
  1. ;;8309;;304895;;Neuritis of the Ninth Cranial Nerve (Glossopharyngeal)
  1. ;;8310;;304897;;Neuritis of the Tenth Cranial Nerve (Vagus)
  1. ;;8311;;304899;;Neuritis of the Eleventh Cranial Nerve (Accessorius)
  1. ;;8312;;304901;;Neuritis of the Twelfth Cranial Nerve (Hypoglossus)
  1. ;;8405;;1044;;Neuralgia of the fifth Cranial Nerve
  1. ;;8407;;1046;;Neuralgia of the Seventh Cranial Nerve
  1. ;;8409;;268490;;Neuralgia of the Ninth Cranial Nerve (Glossopharyngeal)
  1. ;;8410;;304905;;Neuralgia of the Tenth Cranial Nerve (Vagus)
  1. ;;8411;;304907;;Neuralgia of the Eleventh Cranial Nerve (Accessorius)
  1. ;;8412;;304909;;Neuralgia of the Twelfth Cranial Nerve (Hypoglossus)
  1. ;;8510;;304911;;Paralysis of upper Radicular Nerves Affecting all Shoulder and Elbow Movements
  1. ;;8511;;304912;;Paralysis of Middle Radicular Nerves Affecting Adduction, Abduction and Rotation of Arm, Flexion of Elbow and Extention of Wrist
  1. ;;8512;;304913;;Paralysis of lower Radicular Nerves Affecting the Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand and Flexors of the Wrist and Fingers
  1. ;;8513;;304914;;Paralysis of all Radicular Nerves Affecting the Shoulder, Arm, Wrist and Hand
  1. ;;8514;;304915;;Paralysis of the Musculospiral Nerve (Radial Nerve)
  1. ;;8515;;304916;;Paralysis of the Median Nerve
  1. ;;8516;;304917;;Paralysis of the Ulnar Nerve
  1. ;;8517;;304918;;Paralysis of the Musculocutaneous Nerve (Lateral Cord)
  1. ;;8518;;304919;;Paralysis of the Circumflex Nerve
  1. ;;8519;;304920;;Paralysis of the Long Thoracic Nerve
  1. ;;8520;;304921;;Paralysis of the Sciatic Nerve
  1. ;;8521;;304922;;Paralysis of the Lateral Popliteal Nerve (Common Peroneal)
  1. ;;8522;;304923;;Paralysis of the Musculocutaneous Nerve (Superficial Peroneal)
  1. ;;8523;;304924;;Paralysis of the Anterior Tibial Nerve (Deep Peroneal)
  1. ;;8524;;304925;;Paralysis of the Internal Popliteal Nerve (Tibial)
  1. ;;8525;;304926;;Paralysis of the Posterior Tibial Nerve
  1. ;;8526;;304927;;Paralysis of the Anterior Crural Nerve (Femoral)
  1. ;;8527;;304928;;Paralysis of the Internal Saphenous Nerve
  1. ;;8528;;304929;;Paralysis of the Obturator Nerve
  1. ;;8529;;304930;;Paralysis of the External Cutaneous Nerve of the Thigh
  1. ;;8530;;304931;;Paralysis of the Ilio-Inguinal Nerve
  1. ;;8540;;304932;;Soft-Tissue Sarcoma of Neurogenic Origin
  1. ;;8610;;304933;;Neuritis of upper Radicular Nerves Affecting all Shoulder and Elbow Movements
  1. ;;8611;;304934;;Neuritis of Middle Radicular Nerves Affecting Adduction, Abduction and Rotation of Arm, Flexion of Elbow and Extention of Wrist
  1. ;;8612;;304935;;Neuritis of lower Radicular Nerves Affecting the Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand and Flexors of the Wrist and Fingers
  1. ;;8613;;304936;;Neuritis of all Radicular Nerves Affecting the Shoulder, Arm, Wrist and Hand
  1. ;;8614;;304937;;Neuritis of the Musculospiral Nerve (Radial Nerve)
  1. ;;8615;;304938;;Neuritis of the Median Nerve
  1. ;;8616;;304939;;Neuritis of the Ulnar Nerve
  1. ;;8617;;304940;;Neuritis of the Musculocutaneous Nerve (Lateral Cord)
  1. ;;8618;;304941;;Neuritis of the Circumflex Nerve
  1. ;;8619;;304942;;Neuritis of the Long Thoracic Nerve
  1. ;;8620;;304943;;Neuritis of the Sciatic Nerve
  1. ;;8621;;304944;;Neuritis of the Lateral Popliteal Nerve (Common Peroneal)
  1. ;;8622;;304945;;Neuritis of the Musculocutaneous Nerve (Superficial Peroneal)
  1. ;;8623;;304946;;Neuritis of the Anterior Tibial Nerve (Deep Peroneal)
  1. ;;8624;;304953;;Neuritis of the Internal Popliteal Nerve (Tibial)
  1. ;;8625;;304947;;Neuritis of the Posterior Tibial Nerve
  1. ;;8626;;304948;;Neuritis of the Anterior Crural Nerve (Femoral)
  1. ;;8627;;304949;;Neuritis of the Internal Saphenous Nerve
  1. ;;8628;;304950;;Neuritis of the Obturator Nerve
  1. ;;8629;;304951;;Neuritis of the External Cutaneous Nerve of the Thigh
  1. ;;8630;;304952;;Neuritis of the Ilio-Inguinal Nerve
  1. ;;;;;;