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Routine: LEX2073G


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  1. LEX2073G ;ISL/KER - LEX*2.0*73 Post-Install - Mixed Case 3 ;01/03/2011
  1. ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;**73**;Sep 23, 1996;Build 10
  1. ;
  1. ; External Global Variables
  1. ; None
  1. ;
  1. ; External References
  1. ; FILE^DIE ICR 2053
  1. ; IX1^DIK ICR 10013
  1. ; MES^XPDUTL ICR 10141
  1. ;
  1. Q
  1. EN ;
  1. . S LEXLN=$P(LEXTX,";;",2,$L(LEXTX,";;")) S:'$L($TR(LEXLN,";","")) LEXTX="" Q:'$L(LEXTX)
  1. . S LEXSO=$P(LEXLN,";;",1),LEXIEN=$P(LEXLN,";;",2),LEXEXP=$P(LEXLN,";;",3) Q:'$L(LEXSO) Q:+LEXIEN'>0 Q:'$D(^LEX(757.01,+LEXIEN,0)) Q:'$L(LEXEXP)
  1. . D FILE^DIE("","LEXFDA") S DA=LEXIEN,DIK="^LEX(757.01," D IX1^DIK
  1. Q
  1. D MES^XPDUTL(" 8710-9916")
  1. ;;CODE;;757.01;;EXP
  1. LEX ;; 8710-9916
  1. ;;8710;;304954;;Neuralgia of upper Radicular Nerves Affecting all Shoulder and Elbow Movements
  1. ;;8711;;304955;;Neuralgia of Middle Radicular Nerves Affecting Adduction, Abduction and Rotation of Arm, Flexion of Elbow and Extention of Wrist
  1. ;;8712;;304956;;Neuralgia of lower Radicular Nerves Affecting the Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand and Flexors of the Wrist and Fingers
  1. ;;8713;;304957;;Neuralgia of all Radicular Nerves Affecting the Shoulder, Arm, Wrist and Hand
  1. ;;8714;;304958;;Neuralgia of the Musculospiral Nerve (Radial Nerve)
  1. ;;8715;;304959;;Neuralgia of the Median Nerve
  1. ;;8716;;304960;;Neuralgia of the Ulnar Nerve
  1. ;;8717;;304961;;Neuralgia of the Musculocutaneous Nerve (Lateral Cord)
  1. ;;8718;;304962;;Neuralgia of the Circumflex Nerve
  1. ;;8719;;304963;;Neuralgia of the Long Thoracic Nerve
  1. ;;8720;;304964;;Neuralgia of the Sciatic Nerve
  1. ;;8721;;304965;;Neuralgia of the Lateral Popliteal Nerve (Common Peroneal)
  1. ;;8722;;304966;;Neuralgia of the Musculocutaneous Nerve (Superficial Peroneal)
  1. ;;8723;;304967;;Neuralgia of the Anterior Tibial Nerve (Deep Peroneal)
  1. ;;8724;;304968;;Neuralgia of the Internal Popliteal Nerve (Tibial)
  1. ;;8725;;304969;;Neuralgia of the Posterior Tibial Nerve
  1. ;;8726;;304970;;Neuralgia of the Anterior Crural Nerve (Femoral)
  1. ;;8727;;304971;;Neuralgia of the Internal Saphenous Nerve
  1. ;;8728;;304972;;Neuralgia of the Obturator Nerve
  1. ;;8729;;304973;;Neuralgia of the External Cutaneous Nerve of the Thigh
  1. ;;8730;;304974;;Neuralgia of the Ilio-Inguinal Nerve
  1. ;;8910;;41462;;Epilepsy (Grand Mal)
  1. ;;8911;;41507;;Epilepsy (Petit Mal)
  1. ;;8912;;304975;;Epilepsy (Jacksonian and Focal Motor or Sensory)
  1. ;;8913;;304976;;Epilepsy (Diencephalic)
  1. ;;8914;;189204;;Epilepsy (Psychomotor)
  1. ;;9201;;108318;;Schizophrenia (Disorganized Type)
  1. ;;9202;;108305;;Schizophrenia (Catatonic Type)
  1. ;;9203;;108330;;Schizophrenia (Paranoid Type)
  1. ;;9204;;108345;;Schizophrenia (Undifferentiated Type)
  1. ;;9205;;88157;;Other Specified Types of Schizophrenia
  1. ;;9208;;304979;;Delusional Disorder
  1. ;;9210;;11537;;Psychotic Disorder
  1. ;;9211;;108264;;Schizoaffective Disorder
  1. ;;9300;;304981;;Delirium
  1. ;;9301;;304983;;Dementia due to Infection
  1. ;;9304;;304989;;Dementia due to Head Trauma
  1. ;;9305;;304990;;Multi-Infarct Dementia with Cerebral Arteriosclerosis
  1. ;;9310;;304995;;Dementia of Unknown Etiology
  1. ;;9312;;98227;;Dementia of Alzheimer's type
  1. ;;9326;;186640;;Dementia due to other Medical Conditions
  1. ;;9327;;86314;;Organic Mental Disorder
  1. ;;9400;;50059;;Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  1. ;;9403;;93431;;Specific (Simple) Phobia
  1. ;;9404;;84900;;Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  1. ;;9410;;83041;;Other and unspecified Neurosis
  1. ;;9411;;305004;;Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  1. ;;9412;;89489;;Panic Disorder
  1. ;;9413;;9211;;Anxiety Disorder
  1. ;;9416;;303640;;Amnesia, Fugue, Identity Disorder
  1. ;;9417;;32878;;Depersonalization Disorder
  1. ;;9421;;112280;;Somatization Disorder
  1. ;;9422;;1048;;Pain Disorder
  1. ;;9423;;123543;;Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder
  1. ;;9424;;28139;;Conversion Disorder
  1. ;;9425;;60556;;Hypochondriasis
  1. ;;9431;;30028;;Cyclothymic Disorder
  1. ;;9432;;14791;;Bipolar Disorder
  1. ;;9433;;303478;;Dysthymic Disorder
  1. ;;9434;;73302;;Major Depressive Disorder
  1. ;;9435;;303635;;Mood Disorder
  1. ;;9440;;1049;;Chronic Adjustment Disorder
  1. ;;9520;;7942;;Anorexia Nervosa
  1. ;;9521;;17407;;Bulimia Nervosa
  1. ;;9900;;305017;;Osteomyelitis or Osteoradionecrosis of Maxilla or Mandible
  1. ;;9901;;305018;;Complete Loss of Mandible between Angles
  1. ;;9902;;305019;;Loss of Approximately One-Half of Mandible
  1. ;;9903;;305020;;Nonunion of Mandible
  1. ;;9904;;305021;;Malunion of Mandible
  1. ;;9905;;305022;;Limitation of Motion of Temporomandibular Articulation
  1. ;;9906;;305023;;Loss of Whole or part of the Mandibular Ramus
  1. ;;9907;;305024;;Loss of less than One-Half of the Substance of the Madibular Ramus without Involving a Loss of Continuity
  1. ;;9908;;305025;;Loss of Condylar Process of Mandible (One or both Sides)
  1. ;;9909;;305026;;Loss of Coronoid Process of Mandible
  1. ;;9911;;305028;;Loss of Half or more of the Hard Palate
  1. ;;9912;;305029;;Loss of less than Half of the Hard Palate
  1. ;;9913;;305030;;Loss of Teeth due to Loss of the Substance of the Body of the Maxilla or Mandible without a Loss of Continuity
  1. ;;9914;;305031;;Loss of more than Half of the Maxilla
  1. ;;9915;;305032;;Loss of Half or less of the Maxilla
  1. ;;9916;;305033;;Nonunion or Malunion of the Maxilla
  1. ;;333.72;;334067;;Acute Dystonia due to Drugs
  1. ;;333.79;;334068;;Other Acquired Torsion Dystonia
  1. ;;;;;;