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Routine: LEX2149P

Package: Lexicon Utility

Routine: LEX2149P


LEX2149P ;ISL/TJH - LEX*2.0*149 Pre/Post Install ; 03/08/2024

Source Information

Source file <LEX2149P.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
POST ; Post-Install
; From IMP in the Environment Check
; LEXBUILD Build Name - LEX*2.0*nnn
; LEXPTYPE Patch Type - Remedy or Quarterly
; LEXFY Fiscal Year - FYnn
; LEXQTR Quarter - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th
; LEXIGHF Name of Host File - LEX_2_nnn.GBL
; LEXLREV Revision - nnn
; LEXREQP Required Builds - build;build;build
; Note: All references to the patch number should be
; checked and updated as necessary.
; The sub-routine (Informational Patch List) must
; be updated with each patch. It should include
; (as a minimum) the patch names of all of the
; informational patches associated with the Lexicon
; Patch. This will update the Package file at the
; site.
LOAD ; Load Data
; LEXSHORT Send Short Message
; LEXMSG Flag to send Message
LQ ; Load Quit
KLEXM ; Subscripted Kill of ^LEXM
IP ; Informational Patches
IPU(X) ; Patch Update
IPL ; Patch List ;;Patch;;Sequence # This is also where you would include the ICPT/ICD patch number(s).
PRE ; Pre-Install (N/A for this patch)
CON ; Conversion of data (N/A for this patch)
PIEN(X) ; Package IEN
IMP ; Call IMP in Environment Check

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

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^DIC(9.4 - [#9.4] Classic Fileman Calls
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