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Routine: LEXAFIL


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  1. LEXAFIL ;ISL/KER - Lookup Filter ;04/21/2014
  1. ;;2.0;LEXICON UTILITY;**80**;Sep 23, 1996;Build 1
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. ; LEXE Internal Entry Number (IEN) for an Expression in #757.01
  1. ; LEXFIL DIC("S")
  1. ;
  1. ; Returns 1 (true) or 0 (false)
  1. ;
  1. EN(LEXFIL,Y) ; Process Search Filter
  1. S LEXFIL=$G(LEXFIL),Y=+($G(Y))
  1. Q:'$L(LEXFIL) 1 Q:Y=0 0 Q:'$D(^LEX(757.01,Y,0)) 0
  1. X LEXFIL S Y=$T
  1. Q Y