LEXXMC ;ISL/KER - Convert Text to Mix Case ;10/10/2017
Source file <LEXXMC.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
MIX(TEXT) | ; Mixed Case Expression
EXP | ; Expression Rules
; ; Example: If an expression contains the words "OPERATING ; ROOM" then the word "OR" will be in uppercase. |
PRE | ; Previous Word Rules
; ; Example: If the previous word is numeric or "PER" ; then the word "OZ" will be in lower case. |
NXT | ; Next Word Rules
NON | ; No Rules (default)
TOK | ; Token/Word Rules
DSP1 | ; Display Components
DSP2 | ; Display Changes (Differences)
DSP3(X) | ; Display Conditions #1
DSP4(X) | ; Display Conditions #2
SPELL(X) | ; Known Spelling Errors
SP(X,Y) | ; Contains Spelling Error
SW(X,Y) | ; Swap Spelling
PREA | ; Pre-assembly
PRES(X) | ; Pre-assembly Swap text
ASEM | ; Final Assembly
IEEG(X) | ; I.E. and E.G.
AABR(X) | ; Abbreviation
PR(X,ARY) | ; Parse Expression into Tokens
CAS(X,Y,S) | ; Case
MX(X) | ; Mix Case
PS(X) | ; Period Space
UP(X) | ; Uppercase
LO(X) | ; Lower Case
TM(X,Y) | ; Trim Character Y - Default " "
RP(X,Y) | ; Repeat
CTL(X) | ; Remove/Replace Control Characters
DBLS(X) | ; Double Space/Special Characters
CTLR(LEX,X,Y) | ; Control Character Replace
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |