; 1. Scan all Microbiology accession areas starting in 2019.
; 2. If any test at ^LRO(68,LRAA,1,LRAD,1,LRAN,4,test,0) has a complete date/time,
; retrieve file 69 order number. Quit if no complete tests.
; 3. In file 69, find CPRS order number for the test. Quit if referral patient and
; no order number.
; 4. Check status in file 100. Quit if not active.
; 5. Check status in file 63. (Due to unreported issue in which file 68 status
; might be complete but file 63 status is preliminary.)
; 6. If any accession area for the test is preliminary or not present in file 63, quit.
; 7. If not ordered as a component of a panel, call STATUS^ORCSAVE2 to update CPRS status
; to complete.
; 8. If ordered as a component of a panel, check all panel components to determine
; if any are not complete in file 68.
; 9. For all complete component statuses in file 68, check file 63 statuses.